[Abstract]:The San Francisco system is a regional security system which is unilaterally linked and extended to the Cold War and World War II under the leadership of the United States. It is formally disguised as a legacy of World War II, but is essentially a typical legacy of the Cold War. The San Francisco system was born out of the cold war, but it was not part of the Yalta system. To regard the San Francisco system as an integral part of the Yalta system will lead to a paradox in theory and practice, and will violate the legitimacy of the sovereignty of the relevant Chinese territory, and will not be conducive to China's claim to these territorial sovereignty, and will be conducive to the tampering and distortion of history by the United States and Japan. The formation of an academic Oolong-or a postwar international order that could be used by countries such as Japan to subvert Yalta's institutional arrangements; Through the Cold War era, it has created many specific international disputes in the Asia-Pacific security order, and it is the core of the American Asia-Pacific Alliance chain and the cancer of Asia-Pacific cooperation.
【作者单位】: 中共江苏省委党校国际问题研究中心;南京师范大学东亚地区国际问题研究中心;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金项目“冷战后美国两洋同盟演化与国际格局转型研究”(13CKS029) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重大项目“当代中国和平发展中的亚太安全秩序困境研究”(2014ZDAXM008) 江苏政府留学奖学金资助
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