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发布时间:2019-03-16 16:39
[Abstract]:People's livelihood construction, as a matter of concern to the people, is the test of a political party and a government's touchstone. Whether the people's livelihood problem can be solved is directly related to the vital interests of the people, directly related to a political party, a government's public support. Corruption has been a stumbling block in the construction of people's livelihood since ancient times. Corruption is rampant when people's livelihood construction is the worst; corruption is converged and even eradicated, is the people's livelihood construction is more perfect time. People's livelihood construction and corruption are opposing relations. To solve the problems of people's livelihood, fiscal tilt is needed, and corruption will seriously weaken the finance, and the people's livelihood funds will eventually be exhausted by corruption, and the construction of people's livelihood will become an empty word. Moreover, corruption not only directly erodes the people's livelihood funds, but also interferes with the daily life of the masses, aggravates the burden on the people, and makes people's livelihood construction worse. Therefore, the development and improvement of people's livelihood under the perspective of anti-corruption is the first test for the Party and the government in the new period, and is also the first important task to ensure the long-term stability of the Chinese nation. Party members and cadres only put the interests of the people at the core, always adhere to the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and actively explore the road of improving people's livelihood with a clean and honest conduct, and solve the problem of education and employment. The problem of corruption in the fields of housing, health care and so on, the masses of the people will give their inner support to the Party and the government, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will have an inexhaustible and inexhaustible impetus.


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