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佛教哲学 在 宗教 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-08 11:36










佛教哲学 在 宗教 分类中 的翻译结果


  • philosophy of buddhism(6)

        Ouyang Jingwu and His Buddhist Philosophy



        The Therapeutic Value of Buddhist Philosophy to the Predicament of Modernity



        It tries to make a foundation of study tactics of sutra literature which contemplates the aescethic characteristics whose basis are Buddhist philosophy on the theological premise.



        Apart from that, Liang Shuming made an essential distinction in nature between Buddhist philosophy and western philosophy.

        除了用唯识宗的哲学建立起一套理论体系之外 ,梁漱溟还将佛教哲学与西方哲学从性质上做了根本的区别。


        Therefore, Buddhist philosophy and western philosophy are two basically different kinds of philosophy.

        因此 ,佛教哲学与西方哲学为根本不同的哲学。




        Brief Discussion in Buddhism Philosophy



        The author study from the family background of Lujiuyuan and his contact with Buddhism, make a comprehensive research at his theory of heart, finding out the likeness and the dissimilarity of his basic thought with Buddhism philosophy.



        Buddha-nature is one of important conceptions of Buddhism philosophy.




        The Modern Value of Chinese Philosophy of Buddhism



        The Intrinsic Relation between the Philosophy of Buddhism and Chinese Confucianism



        The author thinks that Lujiuyuan absorb and develop the philosophy of Buddhism, this kind of absorption and innovation represent primarily in three aspects: the theory about heart, the way of practicing moral and the view of value.



        The aim of mind and Buddhata in the philosophy of Buddhism is to neglect the reality of the objective world and solve the problem of becoming Buddha.



        Chinese philosophy of Buddhism may, in a certain aspect, adjust human soul, human relationship and relationship between man and nature, offering a solution absent in mundane polity, economy and law.

        具有宇宙整体理念、追求生命超越的宗教人文精神的中国佛教哲学 ,可以为调整人的心灵 ,进而调整人与人的关系、人与自然的关系 ,提供世俗社会政治、经济、法律所缺乏的某种解决思路。



        The Influence of Chinese Translation of Buddhist Scriptures and Its Philosophy on Ancient Chinese Poetics



        On the Three Philosophic Aspects of Buddhism



        The Logical Thought and Buddhistic Philosophical Idea of 《Shi Shan Fu Bai Shi Ce》



        It contains ancient Mongolian dualism thought and it is the beggining of Mongolian Buddhistic philosophical idea.



        He is also a philosopher influenced most greatly by Buddist thought in Europe. He ever studied carefully Indian Buddist philosophy, and admitted that it is one of the there sources of his philosophy.






      buddhist philosophy

    According to Buddhist philosophy, men constitute just one class of living beings.


    Announcement for a new journal: Buddhist philosophy


    Reductionist and nonreductionist theories of persons in Indian Buddhist philosophy


    It presents a prismatic reflection on systemic thinking, Buddhist philosophy, and deep ecology, with the objective of shedding light on world problems and understanding their gravity.


    And this is both highly plausible and an important contribution of Buddhist philosophy.



    Liang Shuming's cultural ideology of Buddhism is based on the Buddhist philosophy of consciousness. Through the analysis of consciousness, he established ontology and epistemdogy of his own which he latter applied as theoretcal fowndation and method in evaluationg the three categories of western, Chinese and lndian culture. Apart from that, Liang Shuming made an essential distinction in nature between Buddhist philosophy and western philosophy. He held the view that the former lies in seeking to know nothing...

    Liang Shuming's cultural ideology of Buddhism is based on the Buddhist philosophy of consciousness. Through the analysis of consciousness, he established ontology and epistemdogy of his own which he latter applied as theoretcal fowndation and method in evaluationg the three categories of western, Chinese and lndian culture. Apart from that, Liang Shuming made an essential distinction in nature between Buddhist philosophy and western philosophy. He held the view that the former lies in seeking to know nothing but the later know all. Therefore, Buddhist philosophy and western philosophy are two basically different kinds of philosophy. Liang Shuming upheld Buddhist consciousness for the purpose of publicizing intuitionism because he believed that intuition is the only means to help understand the universal noumenon.

    梁漱溟的佛学文化观是以佛教唯识宗的哲学为基础的 ,他通过对唯识宗的分析 ,建立起自己的哲学本体论和认识论 ,并以此作为评判西方、中国、印度三大文化的理论基础和方法。除了用唯识宗的哲学建立起一套理论体系之外 ,梁漱溟还将佛教哲学与西方哲学从性质上做了根本的区别。他认为西方哲学的研究在于求知 ,而佛教哲学的研究在于求无知。因此 ,佛教哲学与西方哲学为根本不同的哲学。梁漱溟崇尚佛教唯识宗的目的 ,旨在宣扬直觉主义。因为在他看来 ,只有直觉才能认识宇宙本体

    The mingle of truth and object is the quintessence of the Buddhist philosophy which based mainly on “Hua Yan Jing”and it's also a profound and subtle state of the comprehension of the Chan Sect. The Chan Sect poetry has expressed the mingle of truth and object with vivid and rich symbols, and it also has revealed the characteristic of that.It gives people the comprehension that object is truth, thus it has opened a new realm for the Chinese poetry.

    理事圆融是以《华严经》为主的佛教哲学之精髓 ,也是甚深微妙的禅悟之境。禅宗诗歌以生动丰富的喻象 ,表达了对理事圆融的体证 ,呈显出理事圆融互摄 ,即物明真 ,触目菩提的美感特质 ,为中国诗歌拓展出一个崭新的境域。透视禅诗理事圆融境的佛心禅韵诗情 ,对建构 2 1世纪中国禅诗研究学具有重要的意义。

    The author does special research on Madhyamapratipad,one of the most important concepts in Buddhist philosophy,focusing on the various forms of it in early Buddhism and Mahayana.The author thinks that there was the idea of Madhyamapratipad in early Buddhism,it was not an essential principle in dealing with many practical matters.And such an concept was also represented in early mahayana books as well as in Madhyamika and yoga. The theoretical peak of it,however,was found in Madhyamika,and it really became the...

    The author does special research on Madhyamapratipad,one of the most important concepts in Buddhist philosophy,focusing on the various forms of it in early Buddhism and Mahayana.The author thinks that there was the idea of Madhyamapratipad in early Buddhism,it was not an essential principle in dealing with many practical matters.And such an concept was also represented in early mahayana books as well as in Madhyamika and yoga. The theoretical peak of it,however,was found in Madhyamika,and it really became the key concept in Buddhist theories.The essay mainly indicates that iven if the concept of Madhyamaptratipad had been formed with the negation and cricicsm of other held by other Buddhist sects,it had some con- nections with the philosophical thoughts of other sects(es. Brahmanism)in its theoretical sources,By taking some related thoughts of Veda and Upanisad into its theoretical system after some induction and refining,Bud- dhism turned it into a remarkable way of thinging.



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