[Abstract]:In the light of the logical nature of Chen's Ming and the law, there are some different views of the researchers at home and abroad, and some of the discussions about the "the fifth sentence" have been extended. From the point of view of the "one-in-one" in the research of the retroactivity, there are different interpretations of the "the fifth sentence". The fifth sentence is due to the fact that in the period of Chen's Ming stage, because of the Ming and Ming dynasties, the inductive component is still present, and after the development of Ming and Ming, the proportion of the deductive component is increased, which leads to the decline of the function status and the disappearance of the fifth sentence. According to the interpretation of the "one-in-one", first is a phenomenon corresponding to a reason, when the same reason can be explained after the inductive inference can explain a series of phenomena which are independent of each other but are related to each other and not a special phenomenon, the "one-in-one" is achieved, The development of the induction phase to the deduction stage. Therefore, the disappearance of the "the fifth sentence" in the name of the law is the natural result of the development of the Ming.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院研究生院;
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