发布时间:2021-04-28 02:41
Pakistan is an agrarian economy with an 18.5%share of agriculture in total GDP of the country.There is an excellent potential for the growth of the agricultural sector in Pakistan,but the performance of this sector is far below its potential level due to various factors.It has been observed that the farmers are abandoning the agricultural lands in Pakistan.Although at the initial stage the magnitude of land abandonment is not so large,the prospects of ALA do not look promising.Moreover,there is ...
【文章来源】:华中农业大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:124 页
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Role of Agriculture in Pakistan’s Economy
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Importance of the Study
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study
1.6 Organization of the Dissertation
2.1 The Concept of LUC and ALA
2.2 Causes of LUC and ALA
2.3 Implications of LUC and ALA
2.3.1 Positive Implications of LUC and ALA
2.3.2 Negative Implications of LUC and ALA
2.4 Management Strategies for LUC and ALA
2.5 Literature Gap
3.1 Definition and of Key Concepts
3.1.1 Agricultural Land Abandonment(ALA)
3.1.2 Land Use Changes(LUC)
3.2 Study Area
3.3 Data Collection
3.3.1 Secondary Data
3.3.2 Primary or Social Survey Data
3.3.3 Screening of data
3.3.4 Ethical Considerations
3.4 Analytical Approaches
3.4.1 Statistical and Econometric Analysis
3.4.2 Statistical Criteria
3.4.3 Testing the Behavior of Data
3.4.4 Testing the Heteroscedasticity
3.4.5 Testing the Multicollinearity
3.4.6 Forecasting Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture
3.4.7 Logistic Regression Model
4 Descriptive Analysis on the Characteristics of Respondents
4.1 Demographic& Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Respondents in the Study Area
4.1.1 Age of Respondents
4.1.2 Education of Respondents
4.1.3 Family Size of Respondents
4.1.4 Farm Size of Respondents
4.1.5 Farming Experience of Respondents
4.1.6 Quality of Ground Water
4.1.7 Soil Characteristics
4.1.8 Income Distribution in Respondents
4.1.9 Basic living facilities for respondents
4.2 Summary of Socioeconomic Characteristics of Respondents
5 Perspectives of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Analytical Procedure
5.3 The Perspectives of Land Use Change and Agriculture Abandonment in Study Area
5.3.1 Possession of Land
5.3.2 Land Purchased
5.3.3 Land Sold
5.4 The Evidence of Land Use Change and Agriculture Abandonment in Study Area
5.4.1 Farmers’Perceptions about Landscape change and agricultural land abandonment
5.4.2 The Evidence of LUC and ALA from Historical Records
5.4.3 Abandoning the Agriculture Profession
5.5 Forecasting Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture
5.5.1 Why to Forecast the Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture?
5.5.2 Identification of the ARIMA Model
5.5.3 Estimation of the ARIMA Model
5.5.4 Diagnostic Checking
5.5.5 Forecasting Pakistan’s Labor Force Employed in Agriculture Sector
5.5.6 Forecasting the Sindh’s Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture
5.6 Chapter Conclusions
6 Determinants of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Analytical Procedure
6.2.1 Farmers’Perceptions
6.2.2 The Impact of Various Factors on Farmers’Decisions Regarding ALA
6.3 Farmers’Perceptions of the Drivers of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment
6.3.1 Socio-economic factors
6.3.2 Ecological factors
6.3.3 Political Factors
6.4 The Impact of Socioeconomic Characteristics of Farmers’on Decisions of Selling the Agricultural Land
6.4.1 Results of Heteroscedasticity Test
6.4.2 Results of Multicollinearity test
6.4.3 Results of the Logistic Regression Model
6.5 Prospects for Future Agricultural Land
6.6 Chapter Conclusions
7 Implications of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment in the Study Area
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Analytical Procedure
7.3 Farmers’Perceptions of the Implications of LUC and ALA
7.3.1 Socio-economic Effects
7.3.2 Ecological or Environmental Effects
7.4 Chapter Conclusions
8 Summary,Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
8.1 Summary and Conclusions
8.2 Policy Recommendations
[1]山区耕地边际化特征及其动因与政策含义(英文)[J]. 邵景安,张仕超,李秀彬. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2015(06)
[2]农业多功能性评价研究进展[J]. 彭建,刘志聪,刘焱序. 中国农业资源与区划. 2014(06)
[3]土地利用变化对区域碳源汇的影响研究进展[J]. 马晓哲,王铮. 生态学报. 2015(17)
[4]重庆市武隆县农地流转下农业劳动力对耕地撂荒的不同尺度影响[J]. 张英,李秀彬,宋伟,史铁丑. 地理科学进展. 2014(04)
[5]森林转型、农地边际化与生态恢复[J]. 李秀彬,赵宇鸾. 中国人口.资源与环境. 2011(10)
[6]农业劳动力机会成本上升对农地利用的影响——以宁夏回族自治区为例[J]. 田玉军,李秀彬,辛良杰,马国霞,李占明. 自然资源学报. 2009(03)
[7]惠农政策下丘陵山区农地边际化的理论分析与实证——以湖北省通城县为例[J]. 定光平,刘成武,黄利民. 地理研究. 2009(01)
[8]我国农地抛荒的现状·原因及对策[J]. 韩立达,陈卫宜. 安徽农业科学. 2008(29)
[9]农地边际化的表现特征及其诊断标准[J]. 刘成武,李秀彬. 地理科学进展. 2005(02)
【文章来源】:华中农业大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:124 页
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Role of Agriculture in Pakistan’s Economy
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Importance of the Study
1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study
1.6 Organization of the Dissertation
2.1 The Concept of LUC and ALA
2.2 Causes of LUC and ALA
2.3 Implications of LUC and ALA
2.3.1 Positive Implications of LUC and ALA
2.3.2 Negative Implications of LUC and ALA
2.4 Management Strategies for LUC and ALA
2.5 Literature Gap
3.1 Definition and of Key Concepts
3.1.1 Agricultural Land Abandonment(ALA)
3.1.2 Land Use Changes(LUC)
3.2 Study Area
3.3 Data Collection
3.3.1 Secondary Data
3.3.2 Primary or Social Survey Data
3.3.3 Screening of data
3.3.4 Ethical Considerations
3.4 Analytical Approaches
3.4.1 Statistical and Econometric Analysis
3.4.2 Statistical Criteria
3.4.3 Testing the Behavior of Data
3.4.4 Testing the Heteroscedasticity
3.4.5 Testing the Multicollinearity
3.4.6 Forecasting Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture
3.4.7 Logistic Regression Model
4 Descriptive Analysis on the Characteristics of Respondents
4.1 Demographic& Socioeconomic Characteristics of the Respondents in the Study Area
4.1.1 Age of Respondents
4.1.2 Education of Respondents
4.1.3 Family Size of Respondents
4.1.4 Farm Size of Respondents
4.1.5 Farming Experience of Respondents
4.1.6 Quality of Ground Water
4.1.7 Soil Characteristics
4.1.8 Income Distribution in Respondents
4.1.9 Basic living facilities for respondents
4.2 Summary of Socioeconomic Characteristics of Respondents
5 Perspectives of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Analytical Procedure
5.3 The Perspectives of Land Use Change and Agriculture Abandonment in Study Area
5.3.1 Possession of Land
5.3.2 Land Purchased
5.3.3 Land Sold
5.4 The Evidence of Land Use Change and Agriculture Abandonment in Study Area
5.4.1 Farmers’Perceptions about Landscape change and agricultural land abandonment
5.4.2 The Evidence of LUC and ALA from Historical Records
5.4.3 Abandoning the Agriculture Profession
5.5 Forecasting Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture
5.5.1 Why to Forecast the Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture?
5.5.2 Identification of the ARIMA Model
5.5.3 Estimation of the ARIMA Model
5.5.4 Diagnostic Checking
5.5.5 Forecasting Pakistan’s Labor Force Employed in Agriculture Sector
5.5.6 Forecasting the Sindh’s Total Labor Force Employed in Agriculture
5.6 Chapter Conclusions
6 Determinants of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Analytical Procedure
6.2.1 Farmers’Perceptions
6.2.2 The Impact of Various Factors on Farmers’Decisions Regarding ALA
6.3 Farmers’Perceptions of the Drivers of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment
6.3.1 Socio-economic factors
6.3.2 Ecological factors
6.3.3 Political Factors
6.4 The Impact of Socioeconomic Characteristics of Farmers’on Decisions of Selling the Agricultural Land
6.4.1 Results of Heteroscedasticity Test
6.4.2 Results of Multicollinearity test
6.4.3 Results of the Logistic Regression Model
6.5 Prospects for Future Agricultural Land
6.6 Chapter Conclusions
7 Implications of Land Use Change and Agricultural Land Abandonment in the Study Area
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Analytical Procedure
7.3 Farmers’Perceptions of the Implications of LUC and ALA
7.3.1 Socio-economic Effects
7.3.2 Ecological or Environmental Effects
7.4 Chapter Conclusions
8 Summary,Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
8.1 Summary and Conclusions
8.2 Policy Recommendations
[1]山区耕地边际化特征及其动因与政策含义(英文)[J]. 邵景安,张仕超,李秀彬. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2015(06)
[2]农业多功能性评价研究进展[J]. 彭建,刘志聪,刘焱序. 中国农业资源与区划. 2014(06)
[3]土地利用变化对区域碳源汇的影响研究进展[J]. 马晓哲,王铮. 生态学报. 2015(17)
[4]重庆市武隆县农地流转下农业劳动力对耕地撂荒的不同尺度影响[J]. 张英,李秀彬,宋伟,史铁丑. 地理科学进展. 2014(04)
[5]森林转型、农地边际化与生态恢复[J]. 李秀彬,赵宇鸾. 中国人口.资源与环境. 2011(10)
[6]农业劳动力机会成本上升对农地利用的影响——以宁夏回族自治区为例[J]. 田玉军,李秀彬,辛良杰,马国霞,李占明. 自然资源学报. 2009(03)
[7]惠农政策下丘陵山区农地边际化的理论分析与实证——以湖北省通城县为例[J]. 定光平,刘成武,黄利民. 地理研究. 2009(01)
[8]我国农地抛荒的现状·原因及对策[J]. 韩立达,陈卫宜. 安徽农业科学. 2008(29)
[9]农地边际化的表现特征及其诊断标准[J]. 刘成武,李秀彬. 地理科学进展. 2005(02)