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发布时间:2018-01-22 23:27

  本文关键词: 西部民族地区 地方政府能力 公共服务能力 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As an important part of a national political system, local government is of great significance to the development of the whole country and the improvement of people's living standard. China's public service system and policy framework have been initially formed to benefit the masses of the infrastructure, education, health care, social security. Cultural life has made great progress and development. However, the performance of the government in the supply of public services is still difficult to meet the economic and social development and the needs of the people, especially in the western minority areas of China. Although compared with the past, the level of public service in the western minority areas has improved significantly, and the development of public services is good. However, compared with the developed coastal areas in the east, the gap between the western minority areas and the eastern coastal developed areas is still very large. And there is an increasing trend. Western ethnic areas in infrastructure, education, medical care. The problems of social security and other public services are not small. It is urgent for us to study the public service capacity of local governments in the western minority areas and sum up the achievements of local government public services in the western minority areas. Find out the existing problems, and then study the path of its ascension method. In order to continue to do a good job in the western minority areas to provide experience and reference to public services. The study of local government public services in the western minority areas is a theoretical study based on objective facts, which has a strong practical nature. It also contains abundant theory, which is the organic unity of practice and theory. Firstly, the paper defines the related concepts such as local government, government capacity and so on. Then it selects four typical aspects of the public service ability of the local government in the western minority areas. This paper describes and summarizes the present situation of the local government's public service capacity in the western minority areas, and then discusses the relevant problems existing in the local government's public service capacity in the western minority areas. The causes of these problems from the conceptual level, the institutional level and the mechanism level are carefully analyzed, and finally the local government in the western minority areas highlighted the specific problems of public service capacity. This paper explores the effective methods and measures to improve the public service capacity of the local government in the western minority areas, hoping to make a certain theoretical and practical contribution to the improvement of the public service capacity of the local governments in the western minority areas.


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