本文关键词: 农用地流转 农户行为 土地利用效率 沈北新区 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The standardized and orderly circulation of rural land is the catalyst to realize the specialization of agricultural production, commercialization and sale of agricultural products in our country. There are many problems in the process of agricultural land circulation in Shenbei New area, which seriously restrict the pace of agricultural modernization. This paper analyzes the differences of different types of farmers' land use behaviors and ways from the micro perspective of farmers, realizes the rational allocation of land elements, and improves the land production efficiency. Based on the survey of 5 rural households in Shenbei New District in 2014, this paper describes the basic information, the management of agricultural land, the circulation of agricultural land and the willingness to transfer agricultural land. Using the method of data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and SPSS to test the relationship between the behavior of different types of farmers and the land use efficiency. The main contents include: the second chapter of the paper introduces the characteristics of the study area. On the whole, the proportion of total population and labor force of pure farmers is higher than that of part-time farmers, but the average education level of pure farmers is higher than that of part-time farmers. The average annual income of the family is lower than that of the part-time farmers. The main way of transferring agricultural land is to rent and subcontract. The circulation targets are mainly large growers and village outsiders. The circulation period is generally between 2 and 5 years. The circulation area is below 5 mu. The third chapter of the paper summarizes the difference of land use behavior of different types of farmers. The input of pure farmers to land is higher than that of concurrent-industry farmers, in addition, the third chapter of the paper summarizes the difference of land use behavior of different types of farmers. Pure farmers tend to cultivate a crop of grain or both, The selection of planting structure and multiple cropping index are lower than that of concurrent farmers. Chapter 4th of the thesis adopts data Envelopment Analysis (DEAA) model and SPSS method to analyze the land use efficiency of different types of farmers, and from the angle of comprehensive efficiency, the paper analyzes the land use efficiency of different types of farmers by using DEA model. The effect of farmer behavior on land use efficiency was analyzed by SPSS statistical analysis software. The results showed that the degree of fine fragmentation of agricultural land and the level of agricultural land circulation significantly affected the efficiency of land use. Based on the above research results, this paper puts forward concrete measures to promote the transfer of agricultural land and improve the efficiency of land use. (1) to cultivate new farmers, to perfect the rural social security system and to cultivate the market of agricultural land circulation; to promote agricultural scale management; and (3) to cultivate large agricultural operators. Speed up the pace of professional cooperation 4) improve the efficiency of agricultural land use, take the path of sustainable agricultural development.
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