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发布时间:2018-02-09 14:59

  本文关键词: 新能源 电力传送 测量系统 开放平台 热特征参数 出处:《西华大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着人类文明的不断进步,人们对电能的需求日益增长。目前超过一半以上的电力是通过燃烧化石燃料转化得到的,这加剧了人类目前面临的能源短缺和环境污染问题。为从根本上解决这些问题,人们大力开发新能源,迅速发展新能源发电技术。新能源具有阵发性、随机性的特点,采用当前的静态标准传送这些新能源产生的电力会因新能源在十分富足的时候不能及时输送其转化的电力而导致大量浪费。采用动态增容方式输送电力能大幅提高新能源的利用效率,但同时给电缆安全运行增加了新的困难。为了深入展开适合于现代新能源特点的电力传送方法的研究,项目组拟建立一个电力电缆电力传送实验平台。在教育部项目“强时阵性电力的高效传送研究”(Z2012015)、四川省教育厅项目“随机时发性电力的高效传送研究”(13ZA0025)以及四川省人力资源和社会保障厅项目“强阵发性电能传送方法的研究”(川财教[2013]203号)的资助下,本文展开了该实验平台关键、核心模块即该平台的测试系统的研究。该电力传送实验平台测试系统由测量电路和测试软件构成。以S3C2440A微处理器为核心构建了嵌入式测量电路。该电路通过MIK-DZU-400V电压变送器、HD-T101-300A电流变送器、MIK-ST500温度变送器等集成模块实现了电力电压、电流及电缆温度的感知与调理。基于Linux操作系统,本论文在Qtopia2.2.0集成开发环境中设计、开发出了嵌入式测试软件。该测试软件主要包括电力电压、电流及电缆温度信号的采集与保存模块,电力电缆热特征参数分析模块、通讯模块、电力电缆寿命疲劳分析模块接口、电缆动态增容传输分析功能接口、电力传送控制模块接口。在上位机PC中利用Visual C++6.0MFC模块设计开发了上位机分析处理软件。该分析软件包括电力电缆热特征参数分析模块、Matlab接口模块、通信模块、电力电缆寿命疲劳分析模块接口、电力电缆动态增容分析模块接口以及电力传送控制模块接口等几部分。实验表明,本文所设计测试系统能够实现对电力电压、电流及电缆温度的感知、采集,能够基于电缆热路模型分析电力电缆热特征参数,能够通过模块接口开放地添加电力电缆寿命疲劳分析、电力电缆动态增容分析、电力传送控制等新方法,上位机PC中能通过Matlab接口模块调用Matlab的强大分析模块与图形显示模块加快这些新方法的研究进度、改善实验平台的人机界面。通过通信模块,上位机PC与嵌入式系统能进行互访。本文设计出的电力传送实验平台测试系统将为新能源电力的经济、高效、安全传送研究提供良好的实验基础。
[Abstract]:With the progress of human civilization, the demand for electricity is increasing. More than half of the electricity is converted by burning fossil fuels. This exacerbates the problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution that mankind is currently facing. In order to fundamentally solve these problems, people are vigorously developing new energy sources and rapidly developing new energy power generation technologies. New energy sources have the characteristics of paroxysmal and randomness. Using the current static standard to transmit the electricity generated by these new sources of energy will lead to a lot of waste because the new energy can not transmit the converted power in time when the new energy is very abundant. The efficiency of the use of high-tech energy, But at the same time, it adds new difficulties to the safe operation of cable. In order to carry out the research of electric power transmission methods suitable for the characteristics of modern new energy, The project team plans to establish an experimental platform for power cable power transmission. In the Ministry of Education project "Research on High efficiency Transmission of strong Time-Array Power" and in Z2015, Sichuan Education Department Project "Research on efficient Transmission of Random Time-generating Power" and Sichuan Province. Funded by the provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security project "Research on the methods of strong paroxysmal electrical energy transmission" (Sichuan Caijiao [2013] 203), In this paper, the key of the experimental platform is discussed. The core module is the test system of this platform, which is composed of measuring circuit and test software. The embedded measuring circuit is constructed with S3C2440A microprocessor as the core. The circuit is measured by MIK-DZU-400V. The integrated modules of voltage transmitter HD-T101-300A current transmitter and MIK-ST500 temperature transmitter have realized electric voltage. Based on Linux operating system, this paper designs and develops embedded test software in Qtopia2.2.0 integrated development environment. Current and cable temperature signal acquisition and storage module, power cable thermal characteristic parameter analysis module, communication module, power cable life fatigue analysis module interface, cable dynamic capacitive transmission analysis function interface, The analysis and processing software of upper computer is designed and developed by using Visual C 6.0 MFC module in PC. The analysis software includes power cable thermal characteristic parameter analysis module and Matlab interface module, communication module. Power cable life fatigue analysis module interface, power cable dynamic capacitive analysis module interface and power transmission control module interface, etc. The experiment shows that the test system designed in this paper can realize the power voltage. The sensing and collecting of current and cable temperature can analyze the thermal characteristic parameters of power cable based on the cable hot circuit model, and can add the life fatigue analysis of power cable and dynamic capacitive analysis of power cable through module interface. In PC, the powerful analysis module and graphic display module of Matlab can be called by Matlab interface module to speed up the research progress of these new methods and improve the man-machine interface of the experimental platform. The test system designed in this paper will provide a good experimental basis for the economic, efficient and safe transmission of new energy power.


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