本文关键词: 永州市 新农村建设 法治发展 问题 出处:《湖南农业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:At present, there are relatively many studies on the construction of new countryside from the angle of economics and sociology, and relatively few research results from the level of rule of law. With the reform and opening up to the outside world for more than 30 years, the economy of Yongzhou has been developing rapidly. With the deepening of the reform, the legal system has become more and more perfect, which has further realized the great strides forward of the rural economy, made social security more sound, and fully safeguarded the interests of the broad masses of peasants. At present, there are still many deficiencies in the construction of rural laws in Yongzhou. It can not meet the needs of rural reform and system improvement in the new period and the requirements of building a new socialist countryside. This mainly shows that the construction system of the new countryside in Yongzhou is not perfect, the legislation is unable to keep pace, and the economic and cultural development is lagging behind. The legal consciousness of the rural masses is not strong, the political quality is not high, the leading cadres are not aware of the rule of law, the power has not been locked up in the cage of the system, the administrative law enforcement departments are not administrating according to law, there are no actions and acts in disorder. The construction of rural law is closely related to the construction of legal system. The perfection of rural rule of law needs the thrust of new rural construction, and the perfection of rural legal system becomes the pulling force of the construction of new countryside. Therefore, the author hopes to strengthen the legal quality of farmers. Improve the level of understanding; enhance the legal quality of leading cadres; administer according to law and just judicial means; solve the lack of judicial system in the construction of the rule of law in the new countryside of Yongzhou in the practice of judicature and law enforcement; the lack of legal quality of farmers and the outstanding environmental problems, Security, public security problems in a grim situation, better and faster to promote the new rural construction of Yongzhou City.
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