本文选题:保障性住房 切入点:政策 出处:《山西财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of economy and the gradual improvement of people's living standard, the housing level of urban residents in our country has been greatly improved, but at the same time the housing prices are increasing too fast. The housing problem of some middle and low income groups has gradually become a key problem hindering social development. At the 18 National Congress held in 2012, the Party put forward that the development goal of social reform in our country should be "learn to teach, work to gain," On the basis of medical treatment, a sense of security for the elderly and living in a house ", to realize the continuous development of the life of the people throughout the country, 2020 is the year when our country plans to build a well-off society in an all-round way." It means that by 2020, it can basically solve the housing problems of urban residents in China. This paper takes the policy system of affordable housing in Taiyuan as the research object, first of all, the affordable housing and low-rent housing in the affordable housing in Taiyuan. Secondly, it describes the current situation of the implementation of the policy and policy of affordable housing in Taiyuan. Constructing the performance evaluation model of the indemnificatory housing policy. The performance evaluation target of the indemnificatory housing policy in Taiyuan mainly includes two aspects: the indemnificatory work input and the safeguard work efficiency. Finally, After evaluating the performance of the affordable housing policy in Taiyuan, the paper analyzes the evaluation results, and puts forward the strategies to improve the implementation performance of the affordable housing policy in Taiyuan according to the specific situation of Taiyuan. In order to improve the living standard of residents and solve the housing problems, to promote the healthy operation of the social security housing policy in Taiyuan. This paper through the performance evaluation of the affordable housing policy in Taiyuan comes to the following conclusions: first, By reviewing the relevant policies of affordable housing in Taiyuan, and analyzing the current situation of the implementation of the policy, it is concluded that the Taiyuan Municipal Government can respond positively to the call of the state and pay more attention to the affordable housing. And can effectively formulate relevant policies for the effective implementation of affordable housing construction to provide policy support, for the follow-up study of other scholars to provide reference and guidance. The contribution rate of guarantee work input is 48.97, the contribution rate of guarantee work performance is 51.0333.It is considered that the contribution rate of guarantee work input and guarantee work performance have important influence on the implementation effect of policy performance. At the same time, the Taiyuan Municipal Government also has some deficiencies in the management efficiency and system construction of affordable housing.
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