本文选题:新型城镇化 切入点:质量 出处:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:After the reform and opening up, China's urbanization has entered a period of steady and rapid development. The urbanization rate has risen from 17.92% in 1978 to 53.73 on 2013, with an average annual growth rate of 1.02.The implementation of the strategy of arrogant development of the western region and the urbanization rate of 45.98 in 2013 have entered the stage of high-speed urban development. However, the gap from the east is still large, even lower than the national urbanization level of 53.7%. In the traditional development mode of urbanization pursuing the transfer of population and land, the urbanization level and infrastructure construction in the western region are still large. The construction of public services and the happiness of people's lives have been greatly improved, but at the same time, the Gini coefficient of education is relatively high, the coverage of social security is insufficient, and the gap between urban and rural areas is large. To promote the new urbanization strategy quickly, we should pay attention to the development of "quantity" and "quality" in the process of urbanization development. This paper evaluates the development quality of urbanization from the perspective of new urbanization. The comprehensive development quality of new urbanization in western China and the quality level of each province are calculated, and their spatial differences and distribution are evaluated and analyzed. Firstly, this paper uses qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the urbanization rate. The problems in the aspects of educational Gini number and industrial structure are expounded, and the background of the research is clarified. Secondly, the theoretical analysis of the new urbanization, the construction of comprehensive evaluation system and the calculation method are carried out. Thirdly, the optimized evaluation system is determined on the basis of the primary evaluation system, and the improved entropy method is used to measure the evaluation system. Finally, the empirical analysis of spatial differences is carried out. According to the connotation of the new urbanization quality in western China, a comprehensive evaluation index system is constructed, including 4 subsystems and 24 indexes, and the western and eastern regions are drawn by STATA software. By analyzing the spatial layout map of the new urbanization quality in the western region, we can draw the following conclusions: first, the development of the new urbanization quality in the western region is unbalanced and the difference is significant; second, The area with high quality of urbanization has small space coverage, low radiation capacity and weak ability to receive radiation. Thirdly, the difference pattern among subsystems in western provinces is different, and the quality level of economic development is on the low side. On the contrary, the high quality of urban and rural planning in individual regions has increased the overall quality of urbanization. 4th, the quality gap of urbanization in the western region is significantly different from that in the eastern region, especially in the two subsystems of economic development and urban and rural planning. Improving economic development is the key. In the context of new urbanization, the causes of spatial differences in quality are studied from the overall and sub-systems. The strategies to improve the quality of new urbanization in western China are put forward from the perspective of spatial layout and overall distribution.
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