本文选题:政务微信扩散 切入点:技术创新扩散 出处:《广西大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the growth of the number of WeChat users, more and more government departments begin to accept the technology of WeChat. By registering the account of "WeChat Public platform", the government WeChat public account will be opened, and authoritative government information will be released. Interacting with WeChat users and providing corresponding public services, WeChat has gained a rapid spread in the counties and regions of Guangxi, which are in the process of industrialization and urbanization. This study focuses on the factors affecting the diffusion of government WeChat at county level in Guangxi. At the theoretical level, this study combs the innovation diffusion model of Berry-Berry and combines the concept and connotation of WeChat. The theory of diffusion of technology innovation is applied to the research of government affairs WeChat diffusion, and the scope of application of this theory is broadened. According to the innovation diffusion model of Berry-Berry, this study starts from three perspectives: motivation, government resources and obstacles, and external environment. Suppose the size of mobile phone users, Internet broadband users, population resources, public financial resources, social security pressures, municipal government pressures, There are seven factors that influence the spread of WeChat at the county level in Guangxi. At the level of empirical analysis, the paper analyzes the scale of mobile phone users, Internet broadband users, population resources, public financial resources, social security pressure. Under the pressure of municipal government, the seven factors of peer government learning and competition are negative binomial regression. This study excavates the scale of mobile phone users, Internet broadband users, population resources, public financial resources, Five factors of inter-governmental learning and competition at the same level significantly affect the spread of WeChat at county level in Guangxi. This study believes that the greatest influence on the spread of WeChat at county level in Guangxi is the public financial resource factor, followed by the population resource factor, followed by the mobile phone user scale factor, and the learning and competition factor among the governments at the same level. Finally, it is the Internet broadband user scale factor. At the level of countermeasure development, around the five factors that influence the spread of government WeChat, this study puts forward the following four suggestions, in order to better promote the development of government WeChat in every county and district of Guangxi. First, Strengthen financial investment, perfect the integration of e-government technical resources. Second, pay attention to the construction of government WeChat operation team, ensure that government WeChat play its due role. Third, unblock the communication and communication channels of the people who "touch the net". Improve the influence of government WeChat. Fourth, improve the learning and competitive consciousness of government WeChat service in various counties and districts of Guangxi.
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