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发布时间:2018-04-05 01:03

  本文选题:慈善 切入点:税收 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the material life of the people is extremely rich, the cultural level is constantly improving, and the comprehensive literacy is improving day by day, but the social problems such as the big gap between the rich and the poor still exist.The government cannot solve all the problems in the public domain, nor can it meet all the demands of public goods.At this time, charity, as the third allocation of social resources, played an active role in social security and promoted the balanced and stable development of society.The development of charity is of great significance, which is conducive to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, promoting the rational distribution of social wealth, improving the welfare and treatment of the whole society, and helping to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The government should support and subsidize charity through various forms, the most commonly used means is to adopt the preferential tax system to promote the perfection and standardization of charity.Our country philanthropy is still not mature, need to improve in both quality and quantity.In terms of quantity, increasing the amount of corporate and personal donations through tax policy, attracting more people to participate in charity, both in terms of the number of donations and the scope of philanthropy has been increased.Qualitatively, the development of charity includes the regulation of charity and the cultivation of charity consciousness.This paper analyzes the effect of tax on charity from three aspects: charitable organizations, corporate donors and individual donors.This paper combs the current tax policy of charity in China and analyzes the applicability and problems of the policy combined with the current development of our country.In addition, through the information from the website of the international accounting firm, the official website of the foreign tax authorities inquires into the existing philanthropic tax policies of other countries, analyzes in depth its advantages and disadvantages and its enlightening effect on our country, and finally from the enterprises,Personal, legal system construction and charity organization management and so on proposed the consummation charitable tax preferential policy countermeasure.


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