本文选题:农地 + 三权分置 ; 参考:《浙江工商大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Starting with the household contract responsibility system, the reform of agricultural land has been carried out along this path. After a series of policy and legal adjustments, it has gradually become the collective ownership of rural land with distinctive characteristics, and the customization of peasant household contract management.After that, the formulation and modification of farmland law was led by the economic and management circles.After nearly 40 years of farmland reform, the farmland resources have been reallocated, especially the value of the land contracted by farmers has been redistributed in the process of agricultural land transfer, and the focus of the reform has gradually shifted to the management right of agricultural land.In recent years, the state has introduced three rights of separation, namely, the ownership of agricultural land, the right to contract, the right to operate separately, and to standardize the circulation of "land management right", so that the economic value of agricultural land can be fully explored.The reform of the three-right division of farmland is an important institutional reform of the current farmland system.In view of the importance of agricultural land system, this paper intends to explore the legal system of management right circulation of farmland under the separation of three rights.There are many practical difficulties in the current agricultural land system, such as the deficiency of nature, the difference of conception and the unsmooth operation of the reality, and the obstruction of the circulation of the management right of agricultural land.This paper investigates the legal system of rural land transfer outside China and draws some useful elements from it in order to provide experience and inspiration for the reform of the three rights of farmland separation in China.In this paper, the author further explores the legal theory and system construction of farmland management right transfer under the separation of three rights, hoping that it will benefit the legislation and practice of agricultural land reform in our country.For many years, the transfer of farmland management right has been hampered by the concept of farmland social security and farmland protection.In addition, the legislation on the transfer of agricultural land is not clear, such as the lag of legal framework, the weak property rights, the lack of legal support for the transfer of farmland management rights.In the practice of farmland management right circulation, there is a lack of smooth channels, such as incomplete marketization, irregular collection and compensation, misalignment of agricultural subsidies.These difficulties make the circulation of farmland management rights slow, and it is difficult to give full play to its due value.There are differences in the ways of privatization, nationalization, and improvement of the right to use under collective ownership in the theoretical circle. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages, the government has carefully chosen the improved path of the separation of three rights.The essence of agricultural production, the policy orientation, the urgent demand of protecting private rights and the reform measures respond to each other, and draw lessons from the experience and inspiration of the foreign land transfer legal system, such as the United States and Japan. The theoretical and practical considerations make the separation of three rights emerge as the times require.The circulation of the management right of farmland under the separation of three rights requires the legal interpretation of its legal attribute, the definition of the concept and the confirmation of the mode of circulation, and the choice of value in the aspects of fairness and efficiency, use value and exchange value, etc.In order to protect the rights of members and promote the marketization of factors of production system function.The key work of the system construction of farmland management right transfer includes: first, improve the relevant legislation, gradually get rid of the shackles of the concept, divide the three rights into law, modify the land law in time to optimize the legal framework.Secondly, we should construct the operation system of farmland circulation, establish the market of farmland property right transaction, strengthen the function of government supervision, combine "invisible hand" with "tangible hand", standardize the compensation of farmland expropriation, and perfect the agricultural subsidy.Finally, reform the supporting system, such as perfecting land registration system, social security system, household registration system.
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