本文选题:农民工 + 城市社区融入 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the solution to the problem of "melt city" for migrant workers has become the key step to promote the new urbanization, and the community is the carrier of socialized organization for migrant workers to integrate into the city, and the integration of migrant workers into the community means that they really take root in the city.This process of re-socialization will facilitate the transition of migrant workers into roles, identities, life patterns and a sense of belonging.Thus, the integration of migrant workers into urban communities will become even more important. In 2011, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued an opinion on promoting the Integration of migrant Workers into Urban Communities, which has drawn up a "road map" for the participation of migrant workers in urban community life at the national level.In order to promote the integration of migrant workers into urban life, harmonious coexistence with urban residents to provide the institutional basis and protection.Chongqing, as a pilot area for the comprehensive reform of urban and rural areas, is gradually deepening the reform of the household registration system for migrant workers, and the policies related to social security, housing, employment, and so on, which benefit migrant workers, are also constantly improving.This has created favorable conditions for migrant workers to integrate into urban communities.At the same time, it can not be ignored that Chongqing migrant workers' urban community integration in the relevant system design and practice and specific integration process are faced with different degrees of difficulties, resulting in migrant workers eager to integrate but difficult to integrate into the awkward situation.This has put forward a great challenge to Chongqing to promote new urbanization and build a municipality directly under the Central Government to coordinate the development of urban and rural areas.Based on this, this study combines the reality of policy environment, pays close attention to the system design and practice, and puts the research point of view in the microcosmic field of the urban community at the same time.This paper firstly combs the general situation of the integration of urban community of migrant workers in Chongqing, and then, based on the theory of social exclusion, analyzes the plight of migrant workers in the process of integration into the urban community from the perspective of structure and action.The study finds that the integration of urban communities of migrant workers in Chongqing faces the dual dilemma of structural exclusion and non-structural exclusion: structural exclusion is mainly reflected in the difficulties in the design and practice of the relevant institutions involving migrant workers.Such as social security, child education, vocational training and other systems of differential treatment; non-structural exclusion is mainly reflected in migrant workers in the identity integration, organizational integration, service integration, cultural integration in the process of difficulties faced.Based on the analysis of the difficulties of integration, this study introduces some practical cases of community development in some foreign countries and summarizes its beneficial experiences in the process of promoting the disadvantaged groups and integrating the immigrant groups into the local communities.Finally, this study holds that, on the one hand, we should respond to structural exclusion through the perfection of system design and practice, on the other hand, we should respond to non-structural exclusion through the promotion of integration actions, so as to realize the identity, organization, service and cultural integration of migrant workers.The perfection of system design and practice provides external environment support for concrete integration action, and concrete integration action can provide a good social foundation for system design and practice.Through the system design and practice and concrete integration actions to deal with the plight of migrant workers' integration, so as to realize the real meaning of urban community integration.
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