本文选题:交通肇事逃逸 + 交强险责任 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, our country has stipulated by law that motor vehicles on the road must be insured against traffic insurance, and issued a series of laws and regulations and judicial explanations for the application of traffic insurance. However, the legal theory and judicial practice have been controversial about how to define the liability of traffic insurance. Some people think that insurance companies should pay in such cases, others think insurance companies should make advances, and others think that the road rescue fund should help. The reason why there is a lack of agreement on this issue is that the current laws and regulations of our country have many and unclear provisions for this kind of situation, and even there are conflicts between different provisions, which lead to the disunity of the applicable law. The disunity of the application of the law not only makes the traffic insurance unable to help the victims in time, but also weakens its social security function. By quoting the representative practical cases of the judicial practice in the process of settlement of traffic insurance claims, this paper makes a clear distinction between the liability for compensation and the liability for advance payment of traffic insurance in our country, and leads to the social road relief fund which helps the traffic insurance to play its role. It also analyzes the different views on the definition of the liability of traffic insurance when the traffic accident occurs after the motor vehicle is insured against the traffic accident. The author comes to the conclusion through the analysis that although traffic insurance has the function of protecting the legal rights and interests of the victims in traffic accidents, this social security function should not be expanded indefinitely, otherwise, it will violate the principle of fairness. For such cases, if it can be determined in time to underwrite the insurance insurer, then the insurer in accordance with the provisions of the insurance liability limit in advance to rescue the victim of medical expenses; If it is not possible to determine in time that the medical expenses of the insurer or the rescue of the victim exceed the limits of the liability that the insurer should undertake in accordance with the contract, then the Social Road Relief Fund shall advance the expenses in advance. Then by the relevant management agencies to recover compensation. Traffic accidents are unavoidable today when the economy is developing at a high speed, and the situation of escaping after a traffic accident in order to escape punishment is not stopped. Under such circumstances, only existing laws and regulations can be improved. Only by solving the problem that the law is applicable to take responsibility for traffic accident and escape insurance, unifying the law application, and constructing a parallel rescue system of traffic insurance and road rescue fund, can we truly ensure the safety and order of public transport. To further protect the legitimate rights and interests of the victim.
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