基于NDB引擎的MySQL Cluster的部署规则及测试
本文选题:MySQL数据库 + Cluster ; 参考:《山东大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of computer technology and network, the application of database cluster technology is becoming more and more common. This is due to cluster performance in high availability, high throughput, data consistency and fault tolerance. As the core of enterprise application system, database plays an important role. Therefore, it is necessary for us to study the high performance database cluster system according to the production demand of the enterprise. Constructing database cluster can greatly improve the throughput of database and reduce the response time of database request. To avoid the single point bottleneck problem caused by high data access in network service. In the construction and application of database cluster system, load balancing technology is the key factor to determine the performance of the cluster. A good load balancing scheme can distribute the load to each node of the cluster efficiently. It can greatly reduce the impact caused by node failure in the cluster. Nowadays, database cluster technology has been widely used on the Internet. There are also high-value products and open-source software that we can choose to use. However, due to the technology blockade of foreign companies, the cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment is relatively high, and the research and application of cluster technology in China is still in its infancy. We choose MySQL database to build cluster system, mainly considering that MySQL database is welcomed by enterprises because of its open source and free. The most difficult problem in building MySQL database cluster is to solve the problem of load balancing, data synchronization and failover. These are the key problems to realize high performance and high availability database cluster. According to the overall demand of the planning scheme of the construction of the information society of Shandong Province and the overall construction plan of the data center, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the database cluster technology used in the current social security system. Combined with the architecture design of several kinds of commercial database cluster system, we design and implement a kind of MySQL database cluster system based on NDB engine, which is based on the non-shared storage architecture, according to the specific application demand of users to social security. The system is a database cluster with high availability, good scalability and high performance. Its main feature is to support multi-client concurrent access, to provide a unified virtual IP address to client applications, to connect the distributed deployment of multiple MySQL servers in the MySQL cluster; The high availability and expansibility of the system are realized by load balancing technology, and the influence of the cluster node failure is greatly reduced. At the same time, the load scheduling node of the cluster adopts the mode of master-slave mutual backup, which can ensure the sustainable application of the system. In the updating of data, the data on each node will be updated synchronously, thus ensuring the consistency of the data in each database. At present, the system has been deployed and tested, the service performance is stable, and initially achieve the desired results. Fault switching, load balancing and data synchronization can be performed effectively, but the stability of the system needs to be improved. If we want to use the social security system, we need to further optimize the system.
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