本文选题:农村低保对象 + 资格认定 ; 参考:《河南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The rural minimum living security system is the most important and fundamental part of the rural social security system. It is one of the important parts of the social security system in our country. It is indispensable in helping the rural difficult people, improving the living standard of the rural masses, promoting the development of the rural economy and alleviating the contradiction between the urban and rural two yuan structure. The most important part of the system is how to accurately identify the rural low insurance targets, and how to accurately identify the rural low insurance targets is the key point of the rural minimum living security system and the key to ensure the full play of the minimum living security system. The paper fully illustrates the situation of rural low insurance in Guanyun County in recent years. On the basis of the situation, this paper makes a serious analysis and Research on the problems existing in the qualification identification work of the rural low insurance objects in Guanyun County, and sums up the problems that the qualification of the rural low insurance targets in Guanyun county is difficult to be identified, such as the misplacement of the security objects, the low efficiency, the government governance tool and the "knocking brick" of the welfare treatment. There are the reasons for the system and the influence of human factors. The main reasons are: lack of understanding, insufficient attention, lack of system, lack of personnel and the poor participation of the masses. The understanding of the family income identification work of the strong rural residents, the reduction of the repeated use of the means of identification, the improvement of the relevant legal system and the method of identification, the verification of the family property of the rural farmers, the promotion of the business ability of the civil servants at the grass-roots level, the strengthening of the punishment, the construction of the information sharing network, the attention to the exertion of social strength and the enhancement of the society. In order to improve the qualification of rural minimum living allowances, we should strengthen the attention and participation in supervision work.
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