本文选题:医疗保障体系 + 合作医疗制度 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The implementation of the new rural cooperative medical system is an important strategic decision made by our country to objectively analyze the people's situation and conform to the new situation. It is a concrete action to carry out the measures of loving the people, protecting the people and enriching the people, and it is also the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. A concrete embodiment of citizen moral construction is an important event to win people's hearts, warm people's hearts and stabilize people's hearts, and it is also an important measure to perfect the social security system. The work of the new rural cooperative medical system in Yixing City closely revolves around deepening the reform of the medical and health system, upholding the general requirements of ensuring the basic, broad coverage, sustainability, raising the level of subsidies, controlling the increase of expenses, expanding the benefits of the masses, and comprehensively strengthening the system construction. Efforts to improve the quality of the new rural cooperative medical service, the completion of various indicators, the participation of the masses and the level of benefits has been improved year by year. At present, the new rural cooperative medical system in Yixing City has made some achievements and experiences, but there are still some practical problems to be solved. Therefore, only by reviewing the evolution history of the rural medical cooperation system in Yixing City, and summarizing the experience and problems of the new rural cooperative medical care system can we provide strategic support for the realization of the healthy development of the new rural cooperative medical care system in the future. This paper first reviews the evolution of Yixing from cooperative medical system to new rural cooperative medical system, and then discusses the achievements, main problems and causes of the new rural cooperative medical system in Yixing. Finally, the new rural cooperative medical system in Yixing City is put forward.
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