本文选题:政府购买 + 特殊教育 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Special education has been playing an important role in the construction of social security system and service system. The implementation of special education is not only related to the vital interests of special people, but also related to the fifth "modernization", that is, the implementation of the modernization of government governance system and governance ability. How to provide better and better educational services for special people is an issue that the government must face. For government departments, special education is relatively time-consuming, inefficient, and not highly professional. In 2015, the Ningbo Municipal Government issued implementation suggestions to further encourage private capital to enter the field of education. Explicitly propose to support social forces to participate in the organization of special education schools. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the purchase of special education services by Ningbo Municipal Government in the new era. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the core part of the new public management theory and the new public service theory in the first part from the perspective of the theory of government purchase of special education services, and the shared development concept put forward by the Communist Party of China in the 13th Five-Year Plan. As well as the above theory to this thesis research enlightenment. The second part studies the policy environment and the overall situation of Ningbo municipal government purchasing special education service, and takes the typical practice of Jiangdong district government to purchase special education service as an example. This paper introduces the selection mechanism and operation mode of Ningbo municipal government purchasing special education. The third part, based on the analysis of the above theory and practice, through the literature research and other methods, found that Ningbo municipal government purchase special education service problems, and divided into several levels of specific, in-depth analysis. In the fourth part, on the basis of the analysis of the current situation and problems of the purchase of special education service in Ningbo, the author puts forward the corresponding and feasible countermeasures to consummate the special education service of Ningbo municipal government. Finally, in the conclusion part, the research methods and conclusions are considered and summarized. It can provide reference for other regions and local governments to purchase special education services in order to better promote the transformation of government functions and ensure the sharing and development of special people.
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