本文选题:人口老龄化 + 农村养老保障 ; 参考:《西北大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Fertility and mortality are the most important factors that affect the aging of the population. The most direct consequence of the decline in fertility and mortality is the decrease in the birth rate and the increase in the life span of the population, which leads to the increase of the population in the society. In addition, the migration of population and the evolution of the concept of fertility also have the progress of the population aging. Due to the particularity of China's national conditions, family planning is also an important reason for deepening the degree of population aging in China, especially in rural areas with higher fertility wishes. The migration of young workers in rural areas and the migration of urban elderly population to rural areas also cause the aging of the rural population that is deeper than the city. At the same time, the filial piety culture of the rural areas is far from the city. At the same time, the filial piety culture in the rural areas is ignored, the intergenerational imbalance, the cultivated land are occupied, the limitations of the design of the new agricultural insurance system make the rural families provide for the aged, and the old-age function of the land is gradually weakening. Therefore, it is very important to solve the problem of the old age for the peasants in our country. This is of great significance not only to the survival and social stability of the peasants, but also to the construction of a socialist "new countryside". By absorbing and drawing on the advantages of the policies of France, Germany, Chile and other countries, this article combines with the experience of mutual assistance for the aged in some rural areas of our country, and puts forward that four aspects should be made to our country. The legal system of farmers' old-age security is optimized. First, through the propaganda and education of traditional filial piety culture to cultivate the concept of filial piety of the young generation in rural areas, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the rural family pension function. Secondly, the new agricultural insurance policy to increase publicity and from the refinement of the system design, improvement of management methods and other aspects to improve the new. Agricultural insurance, strengthen the attraction of policy, strive for more farmers to insure; again, the government should increase the policy of the farmers' pension, encourage the rural development of different forms of pension mode. Finally, in the legislative aspect, the law of the rural social pension security law and its matching law can be used as the legal guarantee for the farmers' pension in the future. We need to continue to improve the legislation. This article aims to make practical suggestions for the improvement of the rural old-age security legal system through the exploration of the role of the family, society and national legislation in all aspects of the farmers' pension.
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