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发布时间:2018-06-30 07:01

  本文选题:代际收入 + 流动 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On the basis of reading and combing the existing literature, this paper attempts to analyze the intergenerational income mobility of Henan Province from two angles: the first is to measure the intergenerational income elasticity coefficient of different groups in Henan Province. The present situation and trend of intergenerational income elasticity coefficient in Henan Province are summarized. The second is to analyze the influencing factors and transmission path of intergenerational income flow in Henan province by constructing structural equation. The results show that: (1) the change trend of intergenerational income elasticity coefficient in Henan Province decreases first, then increases gradually from 1989 to 2011, and then decreases slightly since 2009. (2) the intergenerational income in Henan Province is in income, urban and rural areas. When there are differences in gender, sector, educational background, etc., their intergenerational income mobility shows different situations. The occurrence of this situation is related to the different development of different groups after the reform and development of Henan Province. (3) Education has an important impact on the intergenerational income flow in Henan Province. Also of major impact are the transmission of intergenerational income by the father through its impact on the employment of the offspring. (4) the family background, the parents' persistent income to the offspring, in addition to the direct gift of income, Through the influence on the education and occupation of the offspring, it has an indirect effect on the income of the offspring, and the indirect income transmission of the father through the influence on the occupation of the offspring is higher than that of the education. Based on the analysis of the problems related to the intergenerational income mobility in Henan Province and the current situation of social and economic development in Henan Province, this paper analyzes the reasons why the intergenerational income mobility in Henan Province is weaker than the national level. This provides a policy basis for us to find a feasible way to improve the income flow between generations in Henan Province, so that the residents of Henan Province can realize equality of opportunity and finally narrow and improve the income gap in Henan Province. In this paper, the following suggestions are obtained: (1) to improve the education level of Henan Province, improve the education mechanism, so that the residents of the province can achieve education equity, So as to be able to improve their ability to change their income inequality through their own efforts. (2) it is not enough to rely solely on the realization of educational equity. Access to fair employment opportunities. (3) A sound social security system can increase the income of children through their impact on the health of their children, and enable the parents of poor families to devote more resources to their children's education. Therefore, the government should promote the construction and improvement of the social security system in Henan Province.


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