本文选题:电力电缆 + 热模型 ; 参考:《西华大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of global economy, energy shortage and environmental pollution are becoming more and more serious, and green power is developing rapidly. However, due to the strong paroxysmal and randomness of green power, the current static standard mode of power transmission is often faced with the problem of energy waste due to the large amount of green power can not be transmitted in time. The correct estimation of cable core temperature is the key condition for the dynamic transmission of electric power, which is based on the accurate thermophysical model of the cable system. Under the Ministry of Education project "Research on the efficient Transmission of strong Time-Array Power" (Z2012015), the Sichuan Education Department project "Research on the efficient Transmission of Random Time-generating Power" (13ZA0025) and the Sichuan Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department Project "strong paroxysmal electricity" Research on the method of Transmission. (Kawamoto [2013] 203). In this paper, the accurate acquisition of the characteristic parameters of the thermal model of cable system is studied based on the experimental analysis method of LMS. According to the heat transfer characteristics of cable structure and material, the temperature field of cable is analyzed in this paper. The cable is divided into four parts: core, insulating layer, inner lining layer and outer protective layer by means of hot circuit method. The steady-state and transient thermal models of single-core cable and multi-core cable are established, and the calculation of core temperature is studied based on Fourier's law. The cable loss and the calculation of thermal characteristic parameters of IEC standard method and shape factor method are analyzed in detail. According to the differential equation of cable temperature relationship, the differential quotient discrete least square fitting method and differential quotient discrete recursive regression method based on LMS are proposed. Trapezoidal discrete least square fitting and trapezoidal discrete recursive regression are four methods for obtaining thermal characteristic parameters of cable. The algorithm and implementation of solving the characteristic parameters of thermal model using the above methods are explored in Matlab integrated development platform. The experiment platform of electric power transmission system is built in this paper. The platform temperature acquisition system consists of a thermocouple TC-08 temperature recorder and a PC, which can realize the real-time collection of the temperature of each structure layer of the cable. According to the structure and temperature of the cable, the thermal characteristic parameters of the cable are analyzed based on the above method. These thermal characteristic parameters are substituted into the thermal model, and the calculated values of the temperature of the cable core and the sheathed layer are obtained by iterative algorithm, and compared with the measured values. The experimental results show that the calculation error of cable temperature based on trapezoidal discrete LMS method and differential quotient discrete LMS method is lower than that of IEC standard method.
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