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发布时间:2018-07-16 15:06
[Abstract]:With the contradiction between supply and demand of the labor market and the adjustment of the national economic structure, the employment difficulty of college graduates in China has become a hot spot of concern in the society and the academic circles. In comparison, the employment of the college graduates with both college students and the disabled is more difficult to be employed. It provides a more stereoscopic perspective on the employment dilemma of deaf college graduates, among which the research on the quality of the graduates' employment for deaf students has far-reaching theoretical and practical significance. The study of the price index system can also play a role in evaluating and guiding the quality of the deaf students, the employment guidance of the disabled students and the formulation of the national employment policy. The purpose of this study is to construct an index system for evaluating the quality of employment for the graduates of the deaf. The study, with the help of double factor theory, social security theory and interpersonal relationship theory, analyzes the specific problems. Firstly, it analyzes the research on the connotation of employment quality both at home and abroad, and points out that the quality of employment observed is mainly from the micro perspective of the individual of the deaf college graduates, which is a comprehensive evaluation of the employment situation of the graduates, and can be quantified. Then, the evaluation of the quality of employment is introduced. Through the summary of the content and weight calculation methods of the evaluation index system of employment quality at home and abroad, the emphasis is put on the construction of the index system by Delphy Fa and the analytic hierarchy process. Third, the evaluation index system of employment quality according to the authority of the country and abroad is preliminarily proposed. The content and structure relationship of the evaluation index system of the graduates' employment quality for deaf students is determined. The contents and construction of the evaluation index system for the employment quality of the deaf students are determined by the Delphi method and the revision of the education experts of the disabled. Fourth, the level analysis method is applied to the indicators at all levels. The weight is calculated to complete the construction of the evaluation index system of the graduates' employment quality for deaf students. Finally, the system is analyzed and prospected, and the characteristics and difficulties of the system are pointed out. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the evaluation of the quality of the graduates' Employment of the deaf students, the index is heavy. The degree in turn is: salary and welfare, job stability, family satisfaction, Graduate satisfaction, work time, career development, unit satisfaction, employment direction, and professional relevance. (2) the selection of key indicators is different from that of ordinary university graduates on salary income and promotion space, and the quality of employment for deaf college graduates More emphasis is on social security, job stability, family satisfaction and other indicators. In the selection of characteristic indicators, the index system selects "the rights of the disabled organizations", "the satisfaction of the graduates to the distance between the workplace and the parents' residence", "the satisfaction of the unit for the cost of managing the graduates", "the unit is graduating." The satisfaction of the environment fusion "and so on" all reflects the characteristics of the deaf students' employment (3) the following two points should be paid special attention to the evaluation of the quality of the graduates' employment for the deaf. First, the guarantee function and stability of the work are the key factors to determine the quality of the graduates' employment in the deaf; and second, in the evaluation of the University for the deaf. We should pay attention to the research on the subjective satisfaction of parents and graduates, and attach importance to the influence of subjective indicators on the quality of employment.


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