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发布时间:2018-08-27 17:52
[Abstract]:According to the spirit of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the development of new urbanization with "people" as the core is an important direction of urbanization in the future. The development of new-type urbanization can also create new conditions for migrant workers to realize citizenization.This paper puts the problem of migrant workers'citizenization under the background of new-type urbanization construction to study, expounds the mutual promotion relationship between migrant workers' citizenization and new-type urbanization construction, redefines the connotation and city of migrant workers under new-type urbanization. Based on the survey data from both macro and micro levels, this paper analyzes the living conditions of migrant workers and the constraints of their citizenization. Finally, combining the experience of foreign agricultural transfer population and the requirements of new urbanization construction, this paper puts forward some measures to promote the citizenization of migrant workers. Chapter one, the related theories of new urbanization, peasant workers and their citizenization are mainly expounded from four aspects: the concept of peasant workers, the theory of new urbanization, the theory of peasant workers'citizenization, the process of urbanization construction and the development of peasant workers' Citizenization in China. The second chapter is about the conditions, current situation and restrictive factors of peasant workers'Citizenization in the process of new-type urbanization. In the third chapter, the foreign experience and Enlightenment of promoting the urbanization of migrant workers in agriculture are summarized. In order to promote the development of the urbanization of migrant workers in China, this chapter first introduces the effective measures to promote the urbanization of migrant workers in Britain and the United States. This part is the focus of the paper, mainly based on the current situation and constraints of migrant workers'citizenization, and combined with the current party and government policy requirements in the construction of new urbanization, from small and medium-sized cities. Town construction, reform of household registration system, improvement of social security system, vocational training of migrant workers, formulation of laws and regulations, cost sharing of citizenization, self-integration of migrant workers are expounded in seven aspects.


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