[Abstract]:Philanthropy plays an important role in the social development of our country and is an important part of the social security system. After the reform and opening up, our country ushered in a good external environment for the development of charity, especially in recent years, the development of charity is fast and large-scale, and all walks of life have shown great enthusiasm for the development of charity, and the total amount of donations has been rising. The development of charity puts forward an urgent demand for the legislation of charity. At present, there is a lack of a unified charity law in our country, and the laws and regulations applicable to charity are also very imperfect. The imperfect legal environment is a stumbling block on the road of the healthy development of philanthropy. In view of this, it is an important task for our country to establish the basic law of charity and perfect the legal system of charity as soon as possible. It is also an important foundation to promote the social security system to play a better role. The perfection of charity legal system can not be done behind closed doors. We should learn from the advanced charity system of foreign countries and combine with the national conditions of our country in order to improve the standardization and specialization of charity organizations. By exploring the value orientation of charity legislation, this paper systematically combs the present situation of charity legislation in our country, and aiming at the existing problems of charity legislation in our country, and drawing on the advanced experience of foreign charity legislation, puts forward some countermeasures to perfect the charity legislation in our country. With a view to promoting the healthy development of philanthropy in China.
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