[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the living conditions and satisfaction of sanitation workers in Xuzhou, and to provide reference for improving the living conditions of sanitation workers in Xuzhou. Methods A total of 100 sanitation workers were randomly selected from five districts of Xuzhou City. Face to face questionnaire was used to collect data and analyze the difference of workers' job satisfaction under different conditions and environments. Results among the sanitation workers surveyed, the age distribution ranged from 30 to 71 years old, mainly middle and old workers, and only 10.8 years old workers were under 50 years old. Most of them worked for 5 years or less. The rates of satisfaction, general and dissatisfaction were 21.60.42 and 26.2respectively. There was no significant difference in the satisfaction of the workers with different education level, different salary and different family relationship to the sanitation work (P0.05). Whether or not to give training, whether to carry out health education, different working environment, different working days, different relationship with colleagues, different self-social status evaluation of workers' job satisfaction were statistically significant (P0.01). Workers with various benefits and social security had a higher degree of satisfaction with sanitation (P0.01). Conclusion in Xuzhou City, the labor intensity of sanitation workers is high, the working environment is poor, the social security is not perfect, and many factors may affect the workers' satisfaction with their occupation. The relevant departments should pay more attention to the labor, life and social security of the sanitation workers, and take corresponding measures to improve the quality of life of the sanitation workers.
【作者单位】: 徐州医科大学公共卫生学院;
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