[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the software and hardware technology is continuously updated and the wireless network is wide covered, and people are more inclined to connect the mobile terminal devices such as mobile phones and flat plates to the network to obtain various information and information. The platform of mobile equipment on the market mainly has two main platforms of Android and IOS, and there is a difference in the screen size resolution of different devices under each platform. The development of a mobile terminal APP needs to take the difference of the mobile terminal and platform into account. in that case of the social security interest query platform App, the development idea of the traditional mobile terminal is that the Android platform select the Android or the java language for development, and the I0S platform selects the 0bject-C or the shift language development, and various development languages are different in the programming idea and the specific detail implementation, The current social security interest query App development mostly develops the Android end and the I0S end by two teams, the input of the technical personnel is more, the development period is long, and the adaptability of the screen resolution of different terminals under each platform is often not perfect, Therefore, the mobile application cross-platform development framework is urgently needed in the field of mobile application development. The current mobile cross-platform development framework is mainly divided into four types: web flow, code conversion flow, compilation flow and virtual machine flow. React-Native, as a cross-platform solution in the virtual machine stream, can maximize the user experience of a native application. However, since the React-Native is a new technology in recent years, there are the following problems: 1) The basic cross-platform component provided by the official is not fully functional. as the list component of the list component of the Listview component only contains the basic data list and the list of actual applications needs to be added with the functions of scrolling and pull-down, etc. 2) Because the support of the React-Native to the android is later than the IOS platform, it only provides the implementation of the IOS platform, Therefore, to a greater degree of cross-platform, it is necessary to expand it. 3) React-Native is a simple mobile-end framework, and it also requires server-side support. The traditional server-side uses the MVC framework, and the coupling degree of the system is high. The following work is carried out for the above problems: 1) a base list component, a date selection and a query component are applied to the mobile application on the basis of the React-Native technology, The functions of the components such as the nine-palace and the navigation layout are expanded and the cross-platform is improved. 2) The reference "micro-service" architecture adopts the NodeJS technology to re-design the server-side architecture, and the functional modules such as the reverse proxy service, the user management service, the DB access, the paging, the cache service, and the like are completed. The whole building includes the basic cross-platform component and the full-end technical framework of the basic functional module of the server-side. 3) The framework and its technical correctness and feasibility are verified through the application development practice of the social security interest query App. The application includes visitor access, user management, social security news browsing, social security account binding, employee endowment insurance, employee health insurance, resident risk insurance, resident medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, unemployment insurance, payment history query of birth insurance, allocation history query of each risk species, The inquiry of the personal account of the risk insurance. This paper uses the technology of React-Native and Nodejs to set up a full-end technical framework with cross-platform and server-side architecture optimization, and then to verify the feasibility and correctness of the technical framework in the development practice of the application of the social security interest query App "carry-on line of social security". The thesis mainly includes the construction of the cross-platform development framework of the mobile application and the design and implementation of the social security interest query APP, and the application of the full-end technical framework and the social security interest query App of the mobile terminal can be obtained across the Android and the IOS platform through the experience requirement analysis, the design realization and the system test. and provides a reference for further cross-platform research.
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