【期刊名称】 《中国法学》
【英文标题】 社会转型背景下人民陪审员制度改革路径探析
【作者】 廖永安【作者单位】 湘潭大学法学院{教授、博士生导师}
【分类】 诉讼制度【中文关键词】 人民陪审,陪审制,参审制
【期刊年份】 2012年【期号】 3
【页码】 147
【摘要】 以陪审员与法官“同职同权同责”为基轴设计的我国人民陪审员制度,脱离了传统城乡二元社会正在转型的现实背景,不可避免地将改革导向“精英化”, 并难以避免各种异化现象发生。人民陪审员制度改革必须与二元转型社会结构相适应,以陪审员与法官分职分权为基础,构造参审制与陪审制结合、平民陪审与专家陪审共存、常识判断与专业判断并行的陪审制度二元结构体系。在以平民陪审践行司法大众化的同时,也可以以专家陪审补足法官职业化不足的缺失,以有效提升司法的品质。
【英文摘要】 People's assessor system in China is designed on the basis of both jurors and judges having “the same duties, rights and liabilities”, which breaks away from the reality background that traditional dualistic society of urban and rural is transforming. In addition, this system will cause reform elitization inevitably and cannot avoid the happening of various dissimilation phenomena. Based on the separation of powers, the reform of people's juror system must correspond to the structure of dualistic society and establish a dualistic structure system in which assessor system is combined with jury system, civilian jury and professional jury can coexist, and common sense judge and professional judge are collateral. In order to promote judicial quality, it is also necessary to utilize the professional jury to complement insufficient judge professionalism at the time of achieving the popularization of civilian jury.
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