本文关键词:基于马斯洛需求层次理论的商务谈判技巧研究 出处:《天津财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着全球经济的发展,高素质的商务谈判人才将是市场急需人才的一类。一位称职的商务谈判专家必须兼有谈判理论知识及谈判实战技巧。为了顺应日益增多的商务往来对商务谈判人才的需求,商务谈判实战策略与技巧层出不穷,在实践基础上总结的理论也在不断丰富和完善。近年来,很多中外学者提出用心理学理论——马斯洛需求层次理论研究商务谈判并指出了这一研究的可行性,却未对其进行深入探讨更未将这一理论应用于商务谈判实战技巧的研究中。 本文以如何运用马斯洛需求层次理论制定商务谈判实战技巧作为研究课题。通过文献综述和案例分析为主的研究方法,本文运用马斯洛需求层次理论制定了五个层次,总共十项商务谈判技巧,揭示了需求和对需求的满足是商务谈判的共同基础和动力;较好的掌握和运用需求层次理论可以为满足商务谈判者高层次的需求提供条件;较好的运用需求层次理论可以通过满足其他层次需要来弥补无法满足的条件。 除了引言和结论部分,本文共分为三章。第一章对本文所需要的商务谈判、商务谈判技巧以及马斯洛需求层次理论知识进行了总结与分析。第二章从马斯洛需求层次理论的角度对中外常用的商务谈判实战技巧进行了分析,目的在于突出马斯洛需求层次理论对商务谈判技巧研究的不同视角。第三章是本文的主体部分。这一部分析了马斯洛需求层次理论的各个需求层次,发掘出谈判者深层次需求及动机,并提出满足生理需求等五项商务谈判技巧,藉此指导、帮助商务谈判者巧妙、高效地探究和利用对方的需求来实现自己的商务谈判的目标。
[Abstract]:With the development of global economy, high-quality talent business negotiation is a kind of market needed talent. A good business negotiation expert must have both theoretical knowledge and practical skills of negotiation negotiation. In order to adapt to the growing number of business to business negotiations with the demand, business negotiation strategies and skills summary based on practice to emerge in an endless stream, the theory has been enriched and perfected. In recent years, many Chinese and foreign scholars put forward by psychology theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs of business negotiations and points out the feasibility of this research, but not for its in-depth study will not apply this theory to practical skills in business negotiation.
In this paper, how to use Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to develop business negotiation skills as the research subject. By using the method of literature review and case studies mainly, the use of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory to develop five levels, a total of ten business negotiation skills, revealing the needs and to meet the needs of the common foundation and the power of business negotiation good grasp and use; demand theory can provide the conditions to meet the requirements of high level business negotiations; using the hierarchy of needs theory can better to make up can not meet the conditions to meet the needs of other levels.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter of this paper to business negotiation, business negotiation skills and Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory knowledge were summarized and analyzed. The second chapter to combat skills were analyzed on the commonly used Chinese and foreign business from Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, aims to highlight Maslow the hierarchy of needs theory from different perspectives to study business negotiation skills. The third chapter is the main part of this paper. This part analyzes Maslow's hierarchy of needs the needs of each hierarchy, excavates the deep needs of negotiators and motivation, and puts forward the guidance to meet the physical needs of five business negotiation skills, and help negotiators clever efficient exploration and use of each other's needs to achieve their business negotiation goals.
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