本文关键词:创业青年农民工婚姻家庭状况研究 出处:《吉林农业大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 生命历程 家庭策略 创业青年农民工 婚姻家庭
【摘要】:新生代农民工是早已成为学界研究和关注的对象。这部分群体是指出生在1980年后,具有农村户籍但又不在农村生活而是在城市打工或经商的农民工。他们具有典型的“乡-城”流动特性。他们的父母大多是农民工,出于业缘的关系,他们在父母的安排下一同外出打工挣钱。作为农民工,他们的父母没有改变家庭的性质,依然在城市中没有立足之地。“人在城市却不是城市人”的哀叹声深深刺激着他们的儿女。受社会经济发展条件的限制,新生代农民工没有被动等待“过户”,而是通过积极的手段和方式去改变自己的社会地位。在这类群体中,近些年涌现出一批先进分子,他们凭借着在同父母外出务工经历中积累的资本,如技术、资金、行业经验、专业产品知识等,自己跳出受雇佣者角色去创业,踏上了经营创业之路。他们就是创业青年农民工,成为新生代农民工中的佼佼者。 学者研究创业青年农民工的视角很多,笔者也阅读了大量相关文献,阅读发现,对创业青年农民工婚姻家庭方面的研究较少。这类青年农民工群体,他们正处于成家立业的艰难阶段,从“来源家庭”到“定位家庭”的转变是一个过程,在这个过程中总会遇到婚姻家庭生活方方面面的问题和压力。这将是本文关注的重点。 本文全文分为四个部分展开。第一部分是绪论,介绍了本文的研究缘起,并以生命历程理论作为论文视角去研究创业青年农民工,采用家庭策略的分析框架来介绍创业青年农民工的家庭性质和存在的婚姻家庭生活问题。在回顾了大量文献研究后确立了本文的论文框架。正文第二部分介绍了创业青年农民工婚姻家庭的现状。归纳概况了创业青年农民工家庭产生的背景及几种家庭类型。从个案分析了创业青年农民工家庭的代际传承和家庭的性别角色分工状况。文章第三部分重点研究创业青年农民工的婚姻家庭生活存在的问题及原因。从个案访谈中发现在创业青年农民工家庭中基于一定的家庭策略安排下家庭成员会存在着权力纷争问题,这也在很大程度上影响着家庭的和谐与幸福。再一个就是创业青年农民工在前期家庭状况不容乐观,处于创业过程中的主角会面临家庭一工作的冲突,对于青年来讲,他们似乎没有做好充足的准备,家庭和工作表现严重冲突状态,这也在很大程度上影响了夫妻之间的关系,进而影响到更多家庭成员之间的关系。还有一个就是创业青年农民工媳妇与母亲的关系,婆媳关系闹的比较僵。这似乎有时代变迁的因素,两代人之间的差异变成隔阂,导致矛盾重重。 论文最后一部分是笔者的建言。把创业青年农民工婚姻家庭存在的问题归纳为两个主要方面,一是家庭经济收入,二是家庭成员的生活方式。各种家庭问题需要围绕着夫妻经济收入方面去调适,围绕着夫妻双方的生活方式去调适,很多问题就化为乌有,成员关系将是理解、支持和赞同的,而不是纷争、冲突的。
[Abstract]:The new generation of migrant workers is already become the object of academic research and attention. This part of the group is born after 1980, with rural household registration but not living in the countryside but in the city for work or business of migrant workers. They have the typical "rural city" flow characteristics. Their parents are migrant workers, the relationship for Industry margin, their parents arranged to go out to earn money. As migrant workers, their parents did not change the nature of family, still in the city without a place to live in. "In a sound deeply stimulated their children but not lament the city city people". Under the conditions of social economic development, the new generation of migrant workers not passively waiting for the "transfer", but through positive means and ways to change their social status. In this group, in recent years the emergence of a number of advanced elements, by virtue of their in With the accumulation of capital, such as technology, capital, industry experience, professional knowledge and so on, they jumped out of the role of the employer and embarked on the way of business and entrepreneurship. They are young entrepreneurs, and become the top leaders of the new generation of migrant workers.
Scholars from the perspective of entrepreneurial young migrant workers a lot, I also read a lot of literature, reading, research on Entrepreneurship of young migrant workers in the aspects of marriage and family less. This kind of young migrant workers, they are in a difficult stage from "marry and settle down, the source of family" to "change the location of the family" is a process in this process will encounter problems and pressure of marriage and family life in all aspects. This will be the focus of this paper.
This article is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction, introduces the origin of this research, and the life course theory as the perspective to study entrepreneurship of young migrant workers, the nature of the family by family strategy analysis framework to introduce entrepreneurship of young migrant workers and the marriage and family life. After reviewing the extensive literature research after the establishment of the framework of this article. The second part introduces the current situation of young migrant workers entrepreneurship of marriage and family. The generalization of the background of entrepreneurship of young migrant workers family and several family types. From the case analysis of gender roles of youth entrepreneurship migrant workers family inheritance and family. The existing problems and the reasons in the third part of this article focuses on Entrepreneurship of young migrant workers, marriage and family life. Found in the families of migrant workers based on young entrepreneurs from the case interview A family strategy arrangement family members there will be power struggles, which largely affects the harmony and happiness of the family. Another is the business of young migrant workers in the early family situation is not optimistic, in the entrepreneurial process of the protagonist will face the conflict of work family, for young people, they do not seem to do adequate preparation, family and work performance of serious conflict, it also has a great influence on the relationship between husband and wife, and then affect the relationship between more family members. There is a relationship between daughter and mother of young migrant workers' entrepreneurship, relatively stiff law relationship trouble. It seems a factor of changing times, the difference between the two generations into the gap, lead to contradictions.
The last part of this paper is the author's suggestions. To summarize the existing problems of marriage and family entrepreneurship of young migrant workers for the two main aspects, one is the family income of two, was a member of the family lifestyle. Various family problems surrounding the couple income to adjust around to adjust around the couple's way of life, a lot of the problem will come to nothing, membership will be understanding, support and approval, rather than disputes and conflicts.
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