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  本文选题:幸福观 切入点:道德 出处:《辽宁大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:幸福观是个古老的话题,人们对幸福主题的兴趣已经有上千年的历史。随着社会的发展,人们追求幸福的欲望也越来越强烈。因此对该领域的研究也愈显重要。对“什么是幸福?”这个问题的回答。我们重新审视哲学史上出现过的对此问题的种种解答,必将使我们获得丰富的启示。重新翻阅历史文本,现今我们不禁重新设问:所谓“幸福”,究竟是什么? 一直以来学界对康德伦理学的研究立足发展他们认为合理的部分而抛弃他们认为不合理的部分。其实他们认为不合理的部分主要是因为没有对康德的原著进行研究,这不免让人感到遗憾。本文在通读了大量康德伦理学著作后,如《实践理性批判》、《道德形而上学原理》、《康德论上帝与宗教》等,并对这些著作做了细致深入的分析,以便让大家能更清晰从整体上把握康德的幸福观。从而能为我们了解西方社会,当今的社会价值观等问题答疑解惑,这就是我选题的目的。本文主要分为三个部分。本文第一部分论述了幸福观的渊源及康德幸福观的提出。主要讲述了从古希腊罗马到17世纪各时代哲学家们幸福观的主要观点,从中把握他们怎样继承前人的观点并提出自己的幸福观,而且论述了康德的时代现状,当时功利主义盛行,科学主义也盛行的情况下康德提出他的幸福观。第二部分主要论述了康德幸福观,康德认为人是感性和理性的统一体,人的特殊性就决定了人和动物有着本质的区别,人有理性,理性能使人拨开感官认识的迷雾,去看到更深层次的东西。在对幸福的追求中,理性赋予了人更高的价值追求,不像动物那样只求自然欲望的满足,人以道德幸福为自己的终极追求目标,康德由此提出“至善”。第三部分主要是对康德幸福观的总体评价。康德继承了前人的思想观点又超越了他们,他的幸福观继承了传统观点又修正了传统,因此他的观点有生命力,他不仅挽救了中世纪的基督教,给人更好活下去提供思想上的支撑,而且对当今社会价值观的选择有指导作用。但并不是说他就是发现了最完美的知识,最绝对的真理。康德的理论有一定的局限性。
[Abstract]:Happiness is an old topic. People have been interested in happiness for thousands of years. With the development of society, There is a growing desire to pursue happiness. So research in this field is becoming more and more important. "what is happiness?" "the answer to this question. We have revisited the answers to this question that have emerged in the history of philosophy, which is bound to give us a wealth of inspiration. Now we can't help asking again: what exactly is "happiness"? The study of Kant's ethics has always been based on the development of what they think is reasonable and abandoned what they think is unreasonable. In fact, they think that the unreasonable part is mainly due to the lack of research on Kant's original work. After reading a large number of works on Kant's ethics, such as critique of practical reason, principle of moral Metaphysics, Kant's Theory of God and Religion, and so on, this paper makes a detailed and in-depth analysis of these works. So that we can have a clearer understanding of Kant's view of happiness as a whole, so that we can understand Western society, the social values of today and other questions and answers. This is the purpose of my topic. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part of this paper discusses the origin of the concept of happiness and Kant's view of happiness. It mainly describes the main views of philosophers from ancient Greece and Rome to 17th century. How they inherited their predecessors' viewpoints and put forward their own view of happiness, and discussed the current situation of Kant's times, when utilitarianism prevailed, When scientism was prevailing, Kant put forward his conception of happiness. The second part mainly discussed Kant's view of happiness. Kant thought that man was a unity of sensibility and reason, and that the particularity of man determined the essential difference between human beings and animals. In the pursuit of happiness, reason gives man the pursuit of higher value rather than the satisfaction of natural desires, as animals do. People take moral happiness as their ultimate goal, and Kant puts forward the idea of "supreme goodness". The third part is the overall evaluation of Kant's view of happiness. Kant inherits the previous ideas and transcends them. His view of happiness inherited the traditional view and revised the tradition, so his view had vitality, he not only saved the medieval Christianity, but also gave people a better life to provide ideological support. But it does not mean that he has discovered the most perfect knowledge, the most absolute truth. Kant's theory has certain limitations.


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