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发布时间:2018-04-04 16:08

  本文选题:“蚁族” 切入点:伦理问题 出处:《重庆师范大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国城乡二元经济结构的长期存在以及我国城市化战略的大力推进,经济和社会发展水平高的大城市,吸引着一大批大学毕业生来此就业,以求谋得更好的发展前景。但大城市的高房价、高消费与大学毕业生所得低收入形成巨大反差,使他们其中很大一部分不得不成为大城市新生社会群体“蚁族”,即“大学毕业生低收入聚居群体”。 目前,我国正经历着社会转型,转型期内各种隐藏的社会矛盾极易暴露出来,成为威胁社会稳定的因素。“蚁族”在社会资源的占有上处于不利地位以及他们与我国主要弱势群体相似的特性,使其易对社会产生不满,诱发一些社会问题,不利于我们社会主义和谐社会的稳定。“蚁族”现象也引发许多伦理道德问题,目前学术界从伦理学的角度对“蚁族”的关注还比较少。 伦理学是一门研究道德的科学,而道德行为涉及社会生活的方方面面。人们的行为选择决定于价值取向,价值取向出问题,其行为必然失范;而价值取向又受到历史的、现实的各种社会因素的制约。同时如何评判和解决这些现实道德问题,又拷问着我们社会的伦理准则和道德建设水平。当今关于“蚁族”的理论研究的缺乏,尤其从伦理学角度的研究的缺乏,不利于我们的政府或社会组织对这一群体的全面、深入的认识,也就不利于对其引发的社会问题和道德问题进行妥善的解决。 本文首先收集了社会学、经济学、政治学等学科对其研究的成果,对其进行整理,以期对“蚁族”的概况以及对学术界目前的研究状况有个大致的了解;然后,从中吸收了对本文研究有用的成果,从伦理学的角度出发,对这一群体进行研究,找出这一群体引发的伦理道德失范问题,并分析产生这些问题的原因;最后,通过政府、社会、企业、学校和个人等对“蚁族”进行全方位的伦理关怀,使其每个成员都能拥有平等的就业机会和享有社会保障的权利,改善他们的社会处境;使他们每个成员都有自由全面发展的机会,也让我国改革开放的取得巨大成果惠及到到这一群体。这样体现了党和政府以及全社会对民生的关注,有利于我国和谐社会的稳定和我国全面建设小康社会,最终实现共同富裕。
[Abstract]:With the long-term existence of urban-rural dual economic structure and the promotion of urbanization strategy, large cities with high level of economic and social development are attracting a large number of university graduates to come here for employment, in order to obtain better development prospects.However, the high housing prices, high consumption and low income of college graduates in big cities form a huge contrast, which makes a large part of them have to become the "ant clan" of the new social group in big cities, that is, "the low-income colony of college graduates".At present, our country is going through the social transformation, during the transition period, all kinds of hidden social contradictions are easily exposed, and become a threat to social stability.The "ant tribe" is in a disadvantageous position in the possession of social resources and is similar to the main vulnerable groups in our country, which makes them easily dissatisfied with the society, induces some social problems, and is not conducive to the stability of our socialist harmonious society.The phenomenon of "ant tribe" also causes a lot of ethical problems. At present, the academic circles pay less attention to "ant tribe" from the angle of ethics.Ethics is a science that studies morality, and moral behavior involves all aspects of social life.The behavior choice of people depends on the value orientation, and its behavior is bound to be out of order, and the value orientation is restricted by various social factors of history and reality.At the same time, how to judge and solve these practical moral problems, but also question our society's ethical norms and moral construction level.The lack of theoretical research on the "ant tribe" nowadays, especially from the perspective of ethics, is not conducive to the comprehensive and in-depth understanding of this group by our government or social organizations.It is not conducive to its social problems and moral problems to be properly resolved.This article first collected the sociology, the economics, the political science and so on discipline to its research achievement, carries on the arrangement to it, hoped to "the ant clan" the general situation as well as to the academic circles present research situation has a general understanding; then,From the point of view of ethics, we study this group, find out the ethical and moral problems caused by this group, and analyze the causes of these problems. Finally, through the government,The society, the enterprise, the school, the individual and so on carries on the omni-directional ethics concern to the "ant clan", enables each member to have the equal employment opportunity and the social security right, improves their social situation;So that each of their members have the opportunity to free and all-round development, but also the great achievements of reform and opening to the benefit of this group.This reflects the concern of the Party, the government and the whole society for the people's livelihood, which is conducive to the stability of our harmonious society and the building of a well-off society in an all-round way, and to the realization of common prosperity at last.


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