本文选题:国家政权建设 + 公私观念 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2011年博士论文
【摘要】:本研究的叙述主线是湖北省岳平县农村建国以来六十余年基层治理模式的变迁历程,探讨的核心理论问题是国家政权建设的社会基础问题,即村庄视域中国家政权建设的一般性规律问题,回应的重大现实问题是国家与农民之间的关系问题。 公与私,不仅是一个看法、一种观念、一套规则,而且还是型塑社会秩序、影响基层治理模式变迁、决定国家政权建设走向的地方文化认同性力量。本研究引进“大私”的分析概念,尝试性地建构了一个理解农民公私观念的理想图式,认为自宋以来,宗族和以宗族为内在基础的村庄是农民认同的一个重要的“大私”单位。它阻隔了国家与农民之间的直接联系,塑造了农民特殊主义逻辑的日常政治品性,使农民在世代延续中形成了“以群(宗族、自然村)为重,以己为轻”的群我主义行为逻辑,以致肇始于百余年前的国家政权建设不得不面对农民“有宗族认同而无国族认同”的政治社会信任局面。 本研究提出了“公私秩序”的分析概念,从农民的公私观念出发,探讨了公域、私域各自的社会秩序形成机制,及公域与私域之间秩序的承接与转换机制。公域,是传统农民缺乏认知,近现代农民正在逐步增加认知的领域,里面通行的是普遍主义逻辑的法律法规、制度、政策;私域,是个体农民和“自己人单位”日常生活政治实践的场域,承载着农民的超越信仰和俗世生活,持续锻造了农民特殊主义取向的行为逻辑,构成国家政权建设的社会基础。由于公域和私域里的秩序机制是二元对立的,如何顺应形势发展的需要,构建一个秩序的承接与转换机制就成为阶段性的国家政权建设必须面对的重大现实问题。 本研究认为理想状态的公私秩序机制是国家以农村基层组织为载体,通过合法性授权,将“私域”里自然生成的村庄内生权威合法化为体制所承认和接纳的具有介入“公务”身份的基层干部,使最基层的权力主体兼具“国家授权的合法性和农民自发的认同感”,具备“小公”与“大私”的双重权力属性,使之在基层治理实践中能够灵活运用“化‘公’为‘私’”及“‘公’缺‘私’补”等治理技术,将国家普遍主义逻辑运作的法律法规、制度、政策转化成农民认可并接受的地方性规范,以完成国家现代化过程中接连不断的阶段性任务和目标,并维持一个相对稳定和谐的乡村社会秩序。 以公私秩序为理论分析框架,本研究将岳平地区中国共产党领导下的革命、建设与发展史划分为四个阶段:立“大公”、灭“大私”、救“小私”;立“大公”、灭“大私”、抑“小私”;立“大公”、抑“大私”、重“小私”;立“大公”、重“大私”、平(衡)“小私”。由此得出村庄视域中国家政权建设的一般规律,即公私定律为无论政权建设的阶段性目标是什么,只要农民的“自己人认同”意识没有完全消失,国家都必须将最基层的治理主体建立在最能够整合农民“自己人单位”内部资源的基础之上,打破“公”与“私”的隔膜关系,使国家之“公”与农民之“私”衔接起来,使“小公”和“大私”能够成为一体,以建构最有效的基层治理模式。实践证明,任何时候的农村政治体制变革,一旦背离了公私定律的规定性内涵,试图在远离“大私”的层级构建“小公”的治理体制,或使村庄内生资源失去治理价值,政权建设就会走弯路,基层治理就会陷入困境,地方社会秩序也难以得到基本的保证。
[Abstract]:The main line of this study is the change course of the grass-roots governance model for more than sixty years since the founding of the rural areas of Yueping County, Hubei province. The core theoretical problem is the social foundation of the construction of state power, that is, the general law problem of the construction of domestic power in the village view of China, and the important realistic problem in response is the relationship between the state and the peasants. It's a problem.
Public and private are not only a view, a concept, a set of rules, but also a type of social order, which affect the change of the mode of grass-roots governance and determine the local cultural identity of the state power construction. This study introduces the analysis concept of "big private", and attempts to construct an ideal schema to understand the concept of public and private farmers. Since the Song Dynasty, the clan and the inner base of the clan are an important "big private" unit identified by the peasants. It has obstructed the direct connection between the state and the peasants, created the daily political character of the peasants' particularism logic, and made the peasants become "the group (the clan, the natural village) as the weight and the light of their own in the continuity of the generation." As a result of the logic of my behavior, the construction of state power, which began more than a hundred years ago, has to face the political and social trust situation in which the peasants "have the identity of the patriarchal clan and no national identity".
In this study, the concept of "public and private order" is put forward. From the concept of public and private farmers, the paper discusses the mechanism of the social order in the public domain and the private domain, and the mechanism of the succession and transformation between the public domain and the private domain. The public domain is the traditional farmer's lack of cognition, and the modern farmers are gradually increasing their cognition. The laws and regulations, systems, policies and private areas of the logic of the universal logic are the field of the daily life of the individual farmers and the "unit of their own", carrying the peasants' transcendent beliefs and worldly life, forging the behavioral logic of the peasants' special orientation and forming the social basis for the construction of the state's political power. The order mechanism is two yuan opposition, and how to conform to the needs of the development of the situation, to build a mechanism of order and transformation becomes the important practical problem that the state power construction must face in the stage.
This research holds that the public and private order mechanism of ideal state is a grass-roots cadre, which is recognized and accepted by the system of "public affairs", which is recognized and accepted by the system of "public affairs", which is recognized and accepted by the system of "private domain", which is the carrier of the rural grass-roots organizations, which is authorized by the legal authority, and is recognized and accepted by the system of the "private domain", which is recognized and accepted by the system. Legality and farmers' spontaneous identity ", with the dual power attribute of" small public "and" big private ", so that in the practice of grass-roots governance, it can flexibly apply the governance technology, such as" the "the" public "as' private 'and' the 'public' lack of 'private', and so on, to transform the laws, regulations and policies of the logical operation of the national universalism into the peasants. The local norms are recognized and accepted to fulfill the continuous and phased tasks and goals in the process of national modernization, and to maintain a relatively stable and harmonious rural social order.
Based on the theoretical analysis framework of public and private order, this study divides the revolution under the leadership of the Communist Party of China under the leadership of the Communist Party of Yueping. The history of construction and development is divided into four stages: to establish "Grand Duke", to extinguish "great private", to save "small private", to establish "great public", to extinguish "great private", to suppress "small private", to establish "great public", to suppress "big private", to emphasize "small private" and to establish "great public" The general rule of the construction of Chinese domestic power in the view of the village is drawn, which means that the law of public and private is the stage goal of the construction of the political power. As long as the peasants' consciousness of "self identity" is not completely disappeared, the state must set up the most basic governance subject in the best integration of farmers. On the basis of the internal resources of the "unit of one's own", the relationship between "public" and "private" is broken, and the "public" and the "private" of the peasants are linked up, and the "small public" and "big private" can be integrated to construct the most effective grass-roots governance model. According to the prescriptive connotation of the law of public and private, it tries to construct the governance system of "small public" at the level of "big private", or to make the village resources lose its value of governance. The construction of the government will take a bend, the grass-roots governance will be in trouble, and the local social order is difficult to get the guarantee of the base.
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