发布时间:2018-05-24 07:46
本文选题:抗战时期 + 大后方 ; 参考:《重庆师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文以抗战时期大后方地区的妇女参与的救济事业为研究对象,运用相关的文献资料,通过对国民政府时期的妇女组织机构和妇女对抗战所做的贡献的考察,探讨抗战时期大后方的妇女参与的救济事业,以丰富人们对这个问题的全面认识,并为当今的妇女工作提供借鉴。 中华民族的抗日战争是涉及全民族的反侵略战争,各阶层、各党派、各民族都自觉或者不自觉的成为了抗日力量,在这场旷日持久的对日作战,占人口半数的中国妇女也纷纷走出家庭,与政治发生了前所未有的紧密联系。 国民政府时期的妇女领导机构主要分为两个系统:一个是中央妇女运动委员会与其在各省、县的分会,二是新运妇指会及其所属的海外工作委员会,新运妇指会利用妇女运动委员会在各省、县分会组织开展工作。中共方面在长江局之下设妇女工作委员会领导组织妇女工作,中国共产党六届六中全会决定撤销长江局成立南方局,成立中共中央南方局妇女运动委员会。由于抗战初期妇女团体名目众多,,缺乏共同的斗争纲领、各团体的妇女行动分散,缺乏全国统一的领导的妇女组织,因此在宋美龄的倡导之下召开了庐山谈话会,庐山谈话会促进了国共在妇女界的统一战线,庐山谈话会确立了妇女指导委员会为全国妇女界的最高指导机关。皖南事变之后,国民政府对进步文化乃至文化界的压制愈演愈烈。针对这个情况,在南方局领导下的中苏友好协会之下设立妇女委员会,中苏文化协会取代妇指会成为妇女界统一战线的妇女组织。 抗战时期妇女们积极的参与抗战,参军参战服务战地;在国家财政困难的时候,掀起了节约献金救国的高潮;妇女们缝制鞋塲,并在鞋塲内附慰劳信,鼓励前方将士奋勇杀敌,抗战一日不停,捐献与慰劳工作誓不中止;对难童的教养方式从以前的“养”到“养教合一”,注重锻炼难童的独立生活的能力。妇女救济事业不仅为抗战的胜利做出了重大的贡献,还推动了近代中国妇女解放运动的进步。
[Abstract]:This article takes the relief work of the women in the rear area during the Anti-Japanese War as the research object, applies the relevant literature, through the investigation of the women's organization and the women's contribution to the Anti-Japanese War in the period of the National Government. In order to enrich people's comprehensive understanding of this problem and to provide reference for women's work today, this paper probes into the relief work of women in the rear area during the Anti-Japanese War. The anti-Japanese war of the Chinese nation is a war of anti-aggression involving the whole nation. All strata, parties and ethnic groups have consciously or unconsciously become anti-Japanese forces, fighting against Japan for a long time. Chinese women, who make up half of the population, have also moved out of their families, with unprecedented ties to politics. During the period of the National Government, women's leading bodies were mainly divided into two systems: the Central Women's Movement Committee and its branches in the provinces and counties, and the New Women's Movement Committee and its overseas working Committee. The new women's movement refers to the use of women's movement committees in the provinces, county branch organizations to carry out work. The sixth Plenary session of the sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to abolish the establishment of the Southern Bureau of the Yangtze River Bureau and set up the Women's Movement Committee of the Southern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. In the early years of the War of Resistance against Japan, women's groups had many names, they lacked a common struggle platform, the women's actions of various groups were scattered, and they lacked a unified national leadership of women's organizations. Therefore, at the initiative of Song Mei-ling, the Lushan talks were held. The Lushan Conference promoted the United front of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in women's circles, and established the Women's steering Committee as the highest guiding organ for women's circles in the whole country. After the Southern Anhui incident, the suppression of progressive culture and even cultural circles by the National Government intensified. In response to this situation, a women's committee was set up under the China-Soviet Friendship Association under the leadership of the South Bureau, and the Sino-Soviet Cultural Association replaced the Women's reference Association as a women's organization in the United front of women's circles. During the Anti-Japanese War, women took an active part in the War of Resistance, joined the army, and served the war; when the country was in financial difficulties, it set off a climax of saving money and saving the nation. Women sewed shoe yards and attached letters of consolation to the shoe courts, encouraging the soldiers in the front to fight the enemy courageously. During the War of Resistance against Japan, the donation and consolation work never stopped, and the rearing style of the difficult children changed from the former "raising" to "the unity of raising and teaching", focusing on training the ability of independent living of the difficult children. Women's relief not only made great contribution to the victory of Anti-Japanese War, but also promoted the progress of modern Chinese women's liberation movement.
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