本文选题:青少年 + 消费 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Consumption is an important part of human social and economic activities, and also an indispensable prerequisite for the existence and development of human beings, which is directly related to the real material interests of human beings. Human beings can not survive without consumption. The understanding of human consumption has experienced a long process from the frugality in the early stage to consumerism in modern times and moderate consumption in modern times. At present, due to the severe ecological and social problems caused by excessive consumption, people attach importance to moderate consumption. As the main body and successor of the social construction in the future, teenagers' consumption consciousness is directly related to the development and progress of the future society. Young people as independent consumers, their consumption in this era has a certain new ideas, but also produced a lot of worrying problems. Based on the original data obtained from the field investigation, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the consumption state of the teenagers, and expounds the significance of the moderate consumption of the teenagers. This paper analyzes the bad consumption of teenagers and its causes, and puts forward some suggestions and measures for teenagers' moderate consumption under the guidance of the scientific concept of development. In terms of research methods, we should adhere to the principle of unifying history and logic, combining the spirit of science with the spirit of the times, and attach importance to the application of systematic, comparative, documentary and investigation methods in the study of teenagers' moderate consumption. In order to expand the research field of vision and mode of thinking. The research in this paper will be helpful to expand the theoretical research on the problem of moderate consumption of young people and provide a more convincing theoretical basis for the problem of moderate consumption of young people in practice. It is of great theoretical and practical value to correctly deal with the practical problems encountered in the process of the development of the moderate consumption of young people in our country and to promote the development of the moderate consumption of the young people.
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