本文选题:失能老人 + 家庭照顾者 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the advent of the aging society and the rapid growth of the population of the aged, the number of elderly people who have lost energy is increasing, and the problem of pension has become a major social problem. The existence of the traditional "care for the old" in our country makes the family care for the elderly as the main old-age style in our country, so the pressure of the caregivers of the elderly is lost. But the current research is mostly focused on the disabled elderly themselves, the attention to the family caregivers of the disabled elderly is less, and there is no systematic theory and research. The author takes the family caregiver group of the disabled elderly as the research object, uses the social support theory, through the qualitative research, to the Yanling community of Weiyuan County, Neijiang, Sichuan, 7 From the perspective of social support, we explored the demographic characteristics of the caregivers of the disabled elderly family caregivers, the status of caregivers themselves, the status of caring pressure, the needs of care, and the analysis of the status of social support for the family caregivers of the disabled elderly from the perspective of the social support. It is found that the care pressure of the caregivers of the elderly family caregivers mainly exists in the economy, the body and mind, the poor, the need to take care of the old people to give up their work or to engage in low salary is an important reason for the excessive economic pressure of the family caregivers, while the physical and mental pressure is mainly reflected in the long-term hard work, At present, the family caregiver's social support system is not perfect, and it is mainly embodied in the informal support. Therefore, the author mainly from the perspective of formal support, puts forward some suggestions for the family caregivers of the disabled elderly, including the policies and regulations to establish and improve the social support of the family caregivers, and provide economic support for the caregivers of the disabled elderly family. It is hoped that this study can reduce the pressure of the family caregivers of the disabled elderly and deepen the exploration of the family caregivers of the disabled elderly.
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