发布时间:2018-06-09 02:11
本文选题:男权主义 + 女性主义 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:男女两性是人类社会构成的基础。人类社会既不能没有男性,也不能没有女性。但是,在人类发展的历史长河中,男女两性的社会地位并不平等。由于历史的原因,至少自人类进入文明时代以来,男性在人类社会生活中一直居于绝对的支配性的地位,其不仅在家庭生活中拥有支配性的特权,而且还从总体上掌控着主导社会经济生活、政治生活和文化生活等方面的各种权力。与男性相比,作为人类另一半的女性则沦落为次于男性的“第二性”,处于被奴役、被支配的地位。漫长的男性统治的历史积淀,不仅形成了一整套完整的以男性为中心、合于男性统治的男权主义理论,而且蕴育了以贬抑与牺牲女性、尊崇与维护男性权威为主的道德观、价值观的观念体系、思维方式和行为方式。虽然当代的人类生活已今非昔比,男女之间的社会地位也发生了巨大的变化,但是,在我们的现实生活中,仍处处保留着男权主义的印记:男尊女卑虽在名义上已被废除,但实际生活中的大男子主义作风和性别歧视却又无处不在;男女平等虽早已成为明确的法律规定,但在人们的观念深处,甚至在实际的公共政策安排中,女性却仍然是当今世界的“二等公民”,在社会的经济、政治和文化生活中处于被边缘化的境地。女性地位的真正改善,男女地位平等理想的实现,不仅需要现实社会经济、政治的发展与进步所提供的各种客观条件,而且需要对传统的男权主义理论的彻底批判,需要人们两性价值观与道德观念的根本转变。 本文从哲学的角度对男权主义进行了认真的分析和全面的解读。首先,通过对男权主义存在的文化基础的分析,不仅使我们对男权主义形成的文化背景有了一个基本的了解,更为根本的是在于揭示男权主义在当代社会赖以延续的文化根源。男女之间权利平等、地位平等之所以难以实现,不仅是一个利益问题,而且也是一个文化问题。其次,分别从男权主义的性别价值观和伦理观两个方面对男权主义的具体内容进行评析。男权主义的产生虽然具有历史的必然性与合理性,但是,归根到底男权主义是以女性整体利益的牺牲为旨归的:对于女性的贬抑、束缚、压制甚至禁锢,不仅严重地约束压制了女性的发展与才能的展现,而且造成女性独立自我的丧失。第三,男权主义对于女性的绝对统治,不仅造成女性的异化——女性被异化为生育的工具、家务劳动的机器、被动的性客体和没有头脑的性感符号,被异化为男权主义性别文化的价值取向与评判标准的附庸,而且,男性作为与女性共存的另一半也无法逃脱自我异化的命运:男权主义的刻板性别价值观造成了男性心理的异化,使他们表面刚强而内心脆弱,期望自己象橡树一样伟岸高大,但在遇到问题时又极力将责任推卸到女性身上,而这实际上是一种自我贬低的表现。男权主义的价值观还无形中加重了男性自身的负担,将他们异化为片面的人:片面地追求所谓的阳刚与体面,片面地追求功名利禄这些外在的所谓成功的表现。第四,从历史与现实的维度对男权主义形成及延续的原因进行了深刻分析。男权主义在现实生活中的影响,既有历史的原因,也有现实的条件制约。因此,对于男权主义的哲学批判,最重要的是应与历史和现实条件的分析相结合,在克服其历史局限性、改变现实社会经济、政治文化等现实社会条件的基础上,实现对男权主义的真正超越。在此基础上,本文最后对于实现男女两性和谐的未来之路进行了尝试性的探索。实现男女两性真正的平等与和谐,也是写作本文的出发点和目的:通过从哲学理论层面男权主义的批判,不仅唤醒女性自觉的权利意识,而且唤醒包括男性在内的真正的自我主体意识,从而为最终实现男女两性的和谐与人的自由全面发展,创造理论与观念条件。
[Abstract]:Men and women are the basis of human society. Human society can neither be neither male nor female. However, in the history of human development, the social status of men and women is not equal. For historical reasons, at least since the age of civilization, men have been in absolute dominance in human social life. The status of sex not only has dominant privileges in family life, but also controls all kinds of power, such as social and economic life, political life and cultural life in general. Compared with men, women, as the other half of human beings, fall into "second sex", inferior to men, and are in the position of being enslaved and dominated. The historical accumulation of long male domination has not only formed a complete set of men centered and male dominated theory of male supremacy, but also brought up the moral concept of reducing and sacrificing and sacrificing women, respecting and maintaining the male authority, the concept system of values, the way of thinking and the way of behavior. Great changes have taken place in the social status between men and women, but in our real life, there is still a mark of male supremacy: although men and women have been abolished in nominal terms, the masculinity and gender discrimination in real life are everywhere; equality between men and women has long been a clear law. It is stipulated that, in the depths of people's ideas and even in the actual public policy arrangements, women are still the "two class citizens" in the world, and are marginalized in the social economic, political and cultural life. The real improvement of the status of women and the realization of the ideal status of the status of men and women not only need realistic socioeconomic, political, political, political and political conditions. The various objective conditions provided by the development and progress, and the thorough criticism of the traditional theory of male chauvinism require a fundamental change in the values and moral concepts of the men and women.
This paper makes a serious analysis and comprehensive interpretation of patriarchism from the philosophical point of view. First, through the analysis of the cultural basis of the existence of patriarchism, we not only have a basic understanding of the cultural background of the formation of male chauvinism, but more fundamentally, it is to uncover the culture of male supremacy in the contemporary society. The reason why the equality between men and women is equal and the equality of status is difficult to realize is not only a problem of interest, but also a cultural problem. Secondly, it evaluates the specific content of male chauvinism from two aspects of male chauvinism's gender values and ethics. The emergence of male supremacy has historical inevitability and rationality. But in the final analysis, in the final analysis, male supremacy is aimed at the sacrifice of women's overall interests: the demeaning, shackle, suppression and even imprisoning of women, not only severely restrains the suppression of the development and talent of women, but also causes the loss of women's independent self. Third, the absolute rule of male feminism to women is not only caused by women. Alienation - the dissimilation of women as a tool for birth, the machine of housework, the passive sexual object and the sensual symbol without the mind, is alienated into the vassal of the value orientation of male feminist gender culture and the standard of judgment. Moreover, men can not escape the fate of self alienation as the other half of women coexistence with women: the engraved male chauvinism The gender values of the board have caused the alienation of men's psychology, making them strong and weak in their hearts, expecting themselves to be like a tall oak tree, but they are trying to unload their responsibilities to women when they encounter problems. This is actually a self degrading performance. The values of male chauvinism also aggravate the burden of men themselves. They dissimilate them into one-sided people: one sided pursuit of the so-called masculinity and dignity, and a one-sided pursuit of such extrinsic success as fame and fortune. Fourth, a profound analysis of the reasons for the formation and continuation of patriarchism from the historical and realistic dimensions. The influence of male chauvinism in real life has both historical and other reasons. Therefore, for the philosophical criticism of the patriarchy, the most important thing is to combine the analysis of historical and realistic conditions, to overcome the historical limitations, to change the real social and economic, political and cultural conditions, to realize the true transcendence of the principle of male power. On this basis, this article is true to the reality. This is the starting point and purpose of writing this article. Through the criticism of patriarchism from the philosophical theory level, it not only awakens the consciousness of women's conscious rights, but also awakens the true self subject consciousness including men. So as to finally achieve the harmony between men and women and the free and comprehensive development of human beings, create theoretical and conceptual conditions.
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