本文选题:社会转型 + 离婚 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:按照著名社会学家费孝通先生的理论,婚姻是一种社会行为,婚姻形态的发展和变化,归根结底是由物质生产发展水平和社会经济关系所决定和制约的。那么,作为婚姻状态另一种表现形式的离婚行为也有其自身的时空性和历史性。 自1978年我国实行改革开放以来,随着经济体制的转轨,政治体制改革的深化,整个社会发生了翻天覆地的变化。处于社会转型期的婚姻、家庭受到了猛烈地冲击,正经历着一场前所未有的变革,这场变革更确切的说是一场“婚姻的革命”。改革开放30年间,我国的离婚浪潮正一浪高过一浪,呈逐年上升趋势。2010年我国离婚人口达到建国以来的顶点——196.1万对。 尽管离婚率逐年上升已是无法否认的事实。但是高离婚率也不是某一个国家和地区的问题,而已经是全球性的社会问题。离婚率是对社会变迁的一种反应,是适应社会发展的一种结构性改变方式。其出现和工业化、后工业化社会的发展,与妇女经济地位的提高,男女平等意识的增强,妇女解放运动的影响等有着密切的联系。尤其是妇女就业率的提高,知识结构的不断完善,使她们可以不在依附丈夫而独立存在;对婚姻的理解也从原有的物质和经济上的依赖转向更高层次的情感需求。因此,本文以整个中国所处的社会转型时期为切入点,以宏观和微观两个不同的视角,着力从经济、公权力定位、文化、伦理、道德、心理转型等方面对我国持续攀高的离婚率做深入的剖析,用社会学的视野进行思考,最终预测出我国未来人口离婚率态势的发展走向并提出对策建议。全文共分四个部分: 首先,对离婚问题进行了文献回顾,将国内外有关理论和文献做了简单梳理;然后对国内外相关的离婚理论及实证研究进行总结和评述。在此基础上提出了本文的研究必要性:离婚在给个体追求幸福和自由插上翅膀的同时,也给经济繁荣、社会和谐和带来猛烈地冲击。 其次,对社会转型时期离婚现象进行了概述。对社会转型的概念进行界定,并分析了社会转型的特点。然后以社会转型时期为背景,对中国离婚状况然进行了概述。 再次,在对社会加速转型阶段我国离婚现象和数据进行分析研究的基础上,着重分析高离婚率出现的背景和产生原因:用宏观的视野,分析了政治、经济、法律、社会整体的伦理道德的变迁对离婚率的影响;从微观的角度主要探讨了家庭结构、功能和婚姻伦理的转变对离婚的影响。并用了大量的笔墨着重分析了家庭结构、功能在这会转型时期的变迁,所引起的婚姻家庭的不稳定或者解体。 最后,对社会转型时期离婚问题进行理性评价,以中立的态度讨论了离婚的两面性。并对我国未来离婚率的发展趋势进行了预测,并从多学科角度综合思考,按照理论构架提出应对离婚问题建议。
[Abstract]:According to the theory of famous sociologist Mr. Fei Xiaotong, marriage is a kind of social behavior. The development and change of marriage form is decided and restricted by the development level of material production and the relationship between society and economy. Then, as another form of marriage, divorce also has its own space-time and historical. Since the implementation of reform and opening up in 1978, with the transformation of economic system and the deepening of political system reform, the whole society has undergone earth-shaking changes. The marriage in the social transition period, the family has been subjected to a fierce impact, is experiencing an unprecedented change, this change is more precisely a "marriage revolution." During the 30 years of reform and opening up, the tide of divorce in our country is rising year by year, and the population of divorce has reached the peak of -1.961 million pairs since the founding of the people's Republic of China in 2010. Despite the fact that divorce rates are rising year by year, it is undeniable. But the high divorce rate is not a national or regional problem, but a global social problem. Divorce rate is a response to social changes and a structural change to adapt to social development. Its emergence and industrialization, the development of post-industrialized society, and the improvement of women's economic status, the enhancement of consciousness of equality between men and women, and the influence of women's liberation movement are closely related. Especially with the increase of women's employment rate and the continuous improvement of knowledge structure, they can exist independently from their husbands, and their understanding of marriage also shifts from the original material and economic dependence to the higher level of emotional needs. Therefore, this article takes the whole social transition period of China as the starting point, from the macro and micro perspectives, focusing on the economy, public power positioning, culture, ethics, morality, In the aspects of psychological transformation and so on, this paper makes a deep analysis of the divorce rate which continues to climb high in our country, and thinks about it from the perspective of sociology, finally predicts the development trend of the divorce rate in the future and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions. The full text is divided into four parts: first, the literature review of divorce, the domestic and foreign related theories and literature are simply combed; then the relevant divorce theory and empirical research at home and abroad are summarized and commented. On this basis, the author puts forward the necessity of this study: divorce not only gives individuals the wings to pursue happiness and freedom, but also brings economic prosperity, social harmony and fierce impact. Secondly, it summarizes the phenomenon of divorce in the period of social transformation. The concept of social transformation is defined and the characteristics of social transformation are analyzed. Then with the social transformation period as the background, the situation of divorce in China is summarized. Thirdly, on the basis of the analysis of divorce phenomenon and data in the period of accelerating social transformation in China, the background and causes of the high divorce rate are analyzed emphatically: the political, economic and legal aspects are analyzed from a macro perspective. The influence of the change of social ethics and morality on divorce rate and the influence of family structure, function and marriage ethics on divorce are discussed from the microcosmic point of view. And used a lot of pen and ink to analyze the family structure, function in the transition period of change, resulting in the instability or disintegration of marriage and family. Finally, the paper makes a rational evaluation of divorce in the period of social transformation, and discusses the two sides of divorce in a neutral manner. The development trend of divorce rate in China is forecasted, and some suggestions on divorce are put forward according to the theoretical framework.
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