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发布时间:2018-06-12 15:02

  本文选题:80后 + 家务劳动性别分工 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为中国独生子女的第一代,80后一直是学者关注的对象,随着80后开始大规模的走入婚姻生活,他们也逐渐成为现代家庭的核心组成部分。对于80后家庭来说,一方面由于夫妻双方面临日益高涨的房价、物价和赡养老人、抚养子女的现实经济压力,女性不得不出外工作,而80后的女性又大都受到男女平等思想和女性解放运动的深刻影响,所以在追求出外工作实现自身价值、负担家里经济的同时更希望在家庭内部寻求平等,即希望男性能转变传统的思想观念主动承担家务;另一方面,80后的男性虽然也受到男女平等思想的影响,但是传统的性别观念在他们身上却依然根深蒂固,他们在希望女性出外工作负担家里经济的同时又希望女性仍然负担家里的家务。在这样一种传统与现代的碰撞之下,80后夫妻因家务劳动而产生的冲突就更加明显。 因此,本研究选取社会性别理论和角色理论为理论基石,通过面对面的深度访谈和观察法对80后城市双职工家庭的家务劳动分工现状进行描述,并通过深入了解80后夫妻在家务劳动分工上对对方的角色期望和自身的角色定位来剖析80后夫妻因为家务劳动而产生的冲突的根源、实质以及影响,并在此基础上指出80后夫妻双方眼中理想的家务分工模式应该是一种“共同主外,分工主内”的一种动态均衡模式。
[Abstract]:As the first generation of the only child in China, the post-80s generation has been the focus of scholars' attention. With the beginning of large-scale marriage, they have gradually become the core part of the modern family. For post-80s families, on the one hand, women have to go out to work because of the real economic pressure on both husband and wife to face rising housing prices, prices and the need to support the elderly and raise their children. And most of the post-80s women are deeply influenced by the thought of equality between men and women and the women's liberation movement, so they want to seek equality within the family while pursuing work abroad to realize their own value and to bear the burden of the family economy. That is, it is hoped that men can change their traditional ideas and take the initiative to undertake housework. On the other hand, although the post-80s men are also influenced by the idea of equality between men and women, the traditional gender concept is still deeply rooted in them. They want women to go out to work and finance their families while still doing household chores. In such a traditional and modern collision, the post-80s husband and wife due to domestic work conflict is even more obvious. Therefore, this study selected gender theory and role theory as the theoretical foundation, through face-to-face in-depth interviews and observation method to describe the situation of household division of labor in post-80s urban double-worker families. And through the in-depth understanding of the post-80s husband and wife in the division of household work in the role of each other's expectations and their own role positioning to analyze the post-80s husband and wife because of domestic work caused by the root causes of conflict, substance and impact. On this basis, it is pointed out that the ideal mode of household division in the eyes of post-80s husband and wife should be a kind of dynamic equilibrium mode of "common ownership, division of labor within".


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