本文选题:小组社会工作 + 社区融入 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of national economy and the acceleration of the process of urban-rural integration in China, more and more migrant workers have gradually changed from a single system of migration into the city, so, The scale of migrant children is growing, however, many problems that can not be ignored become more and more prominent. How to adapt and integrate into community life is one of the problems that need to be solved. This research is based on the "Happy one District" project of X Community Service Center in Shenzhen, and takes the migrant workers' children as the research object, using the literature method, field research and other research methods. On the basis of analyzing the relevant data, the author organized the group activities of migrant workers with migrant children in Shenzhen X Community Service Center to carry out "happy integration" group activities, based on the assessment of the needs of migrant workers and their children in practice communities, and based on the analysis of relevant data, the author organized the activities of migrant workers with their children in Shenzhen X Community Service Center. Through the involvement of social work, detailed recording of the activity process, as well as the activities of the members of the ideas, expressions, changes before and after the activities. Starting from the four levels of individuals, peers, families and communities, to carry out group activities to analyze the role of social work in the integration of migrant workers' children into the community, in order to propose scientific and operational methods. Help the children with the move better integrate into the community. In general, group social work has had some effect on migrant workers' acceptance of a new life with their children, increased self-confidence, a sense of trust in the surrounding environment, and the ability to interact well with the people around them. The contents and forms of the group activities have been recognized, but there are still some shortcomings to be perfected. Finally, according to the previous research and the practical results of the group activities, the author takes the theory of social support as the support, and analyzes from various aspects. It is pointed out that it is necessary to promote the community integration of migrant workers and their children.
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