本文选题:现代技术 + 城市记忆 ; 参考:《上海大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:城市记忆不应仅仅从城市功能角度给予理解,而是要把它看作是城市存在的根本,城市需要记忆。用现象学方法揭示城市记忆,认识到城市记忆是作为主体的存在者在城市感知的基础上,通过想象与再造而形成的主观意识,城市记忆的所指对象是建筑物与人,同时它有着回忆与想象两种体验形式,蕴含着过去、现在、未来三个维度。只有正确的认识城市记忆,才能使其更好的得以维护与传承。 尽管现代技术保证城市的基本运作,推动城市更新发展,在一定程度上有助于城市记忆的再现与增强,但“现代技术对城市记忆的削弱”问题更为突出。人们利用现代技术肆意地抹灭建筑,无心地遗忘传统,忽视对城市主体——人的关怀,人们逐渐失去归属感和对城市的认同,对城市记忆遗忘。同时,技术逻辑的过度发挥不断改变着城市意象标识,城市难以形成稳定的感知系统,致使城市原型遭到破坏,“城市失忆”愈演愈烈,出现“城市记忆的错位”、“城市记忆的衰退”、“城市记忆的遗忘”等现象。 因此应不断对现代技术与人类生存、城市发展、城市记忆、文明进步等之间的关系进行反思,认识到现代技术已不在是被人利用的工具,它给城市形态、人类生活带来巨大改变,已凌驾于人之上,,使人成为了丧失自我的奴隶。我们应坚持“以人为本”的科技发展理念来规范技术逻辑的正常运作。只有这样技术才能有利于城市记忆的保留与传承,城市才能还原其本真状态,成为关怀人、陶冶人的容器,人与自然界才能和谐共生,可持续发展。同时,对城市记忆的维护也有利于凸显城市意象,找准城市定位,挖掘城市价值,塑造城市特色,延续城市文脉。
[Abstract]:Urban memory should not only be understood from the perspective of urban function, but also be regarded as the root of the existence of the city, and the city needs memory. By using phenomenological methods to reveal urban memory, it is recognized that urban memory is a subjective consciousness formed by the existence of the subject on the basis of city perception and through imagination and reconstruction. The object of urban memory is buildings and people. At the same time, it has two kinds of experience forms, memory and imagination, which contain three dimensions: past, present and future. Only the correct understanding of urban memory, in order to make it better to maintain and inherit. Although modern technology ensures the basic operation of the city and promotes the urban renewal and development, to some extent, it helps to reproduce and strengthen the urban memory, but the problem of "weakening the urban memory by modern technology" is more prominent. People make use of modern technology to wantonly wipe out architecture, forget tradition inadvertently, ignore the concern for the main body of the city, people gradually lose the sense of belonging and identity to the city, and forget the memory of the city. At the same time, the excessive exertion of technological logic is constantly changing the symbol of the city image, and it is difficult for the city to form a stable perceptual system, which results in the destruction of the city archetype, the intensification of "urban amnesia", and the emergence of "the dislocation of urban memory". The decline of urban memory and the oblivion of urban memory. Therefore, we should constantly reflect on the relationship between modern technology and human survival, urban development, urban memory, civilization progress, etc., recognizing that modern technology is no longer a tool to be used by people, and that it gives urban form, Human life has brought about great changes, has been above the people, making people to lose their own slaves. We should adhere to the "people-oriented" concept of scientific and technological development to standardize the normal operation of technological logic. Only in this way can the technology be beneficial to the preservation and inheritance of urban memory, and the city can restore its true state, become the container of caring and edifying people, and the harmonious symbiosis and sustainable development between man and nature. At the same time, the maintenance of urban memory also helps to highlight the image of the city, find the right city positioning, excavate the value of the city, shape the characteristics of the city, and continue the context of the city.
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