本文选题:外来务工 + 女性 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着我国社会转型期加快,工业化城镇化程度的进一步提升,社会流动明显增速,农民工遍布全国各地。在改革开放前,农村女性的流动和迁移主要是出嫁和随丈夫迁移,近年来,这种情况发生了很大变化,不仅仅是农民工队伍中的女性数量在不断地增加,更为重要的是,她们外出务工的主动性增强,她们为了改变生活而进入城镇务工。在城市中的生活、工作以及与城市居民的交流、互动使她们的婚姻家庭观念发生了很大变化。本文就是在这样的背景下展开对西安市外来务工女性婚姻家庭观的研究的,运用实证方法对她们的婚姻家庭观的现状进行了调查,通过对其婚姻家庭观现状的深入分析发现其中存在的问题,针对外来务工女性所处的特殊环境和时代特点深入探讨问题的成因,并对问题的成因提出有针对性的对策和建议。本文以外来务工女性的婚姻家庭观为切入点,以小觑大地考察外米务工女性背后的生活状况和情感体验,深入了解她们的生存环境(包括经济环境、政治环境、价值观环境等);本文通过提出改善外来务工女性婚姻家庭观的相关对策力图助其树立健康向上的婚姻家庭观,力图通过价值观的改善改变其生活的态度、改善其生活状况,最终缩小城乡差距、促进城乡和谐发展。 全文共分为4章。 第1章是导言,介绍了本研究的研究背景与意义、国内外研究现状,并对本研究中相关的概念做了界定,最后对本文的研究思路和方法等作了介绍。在改革开放、社会流动愈演愈烈的大背景下,女性农民工群体也大量拥向城市,学术界同时展开了大量的研究,不仅有国内学者,也有国外学者参与到对中国外来务工女性的研究中。本文在前人研究的基础上开展了对西安市外来务工女性婚姻家庭观的研究,本文从社会性别视角、家庭研究视角,运用社会流动理论,对外来务工女性婚姻家庭观的现状深入分析,发现并深入分析其中存在的问题,并针对问题和原因提出相关的、建设性的对策。 第2章是西安市外来务工女性婚姻家庭观现状的调查结果。STATA调查结果显示:外来务工女性择偶标准更倾向于人品性格,婚姻决定权主要由自己掌握;理想婚龄明显推迟,多数人在心理上能够接受婚前同居,相比于婚前同居,对未婚先孕更加保守,女性家庭地位提高,但是男性地位仍旧优于女性,对婚外恋比较保守,但小部分人开始具体情况具体分析,比较支持老年人再婚;2孩生育意愿强烈,有弱男孩偏好。 第3章介绍外来务工女性婚姻家庭观存在的问题与成因分析。根据我们的调查和分析,外来务工女性自身条件有限,缺乏自信;婚姻比较自主,但仍受父母影响;性观念比较开放,婚前同居现象普遍;倾向2孩意愿,有弱男孩偏好。社会转型时期多元文化价值观并存;城乡二元体制限制外来务工女性的发展,她们缺乏社会保障;外来务工女性在城市中的交往空间相对狭小,结交异性比较困难,她们的婚恋生活具有不确定性,家乡父母的养老也是她们的顾虑;等等,这些因素都成为外来务工女性婚姻家庭观存在问题的原因。 第4章介绍了本文根据调查和分析提出的相关对策与建议。这一部分从三个方面提出了相关的对策,政府方面,要完善社会保障体系,深化城乡二元体制改革,降低人口流动壁垒,加强政府培训,对外来务工女性进行“造血”,加强政府管理;社区方面,加强社区建设,成立农民工社区,建立农民工计划生育管理服务站,设立农民工与城市居民之间的交往平台;最后继续加强新闻媒介的宣传作用,对传统思想要取其精华、去其糟粕,宣传健康向上的婚姻家庭观。 最后是结语,这一部分客观地评价了本研究,本研究充实了理论界对于外来务工女性群体的研究,但是也有不足之处,本文缺乏相关的比较研究,这也是本文接下来的努力方向。
[Abstract]:This paper studies the status quo of women ' s marriage and family in Xi ' an in the context of reform and opening up .
This paper tries to help to set up a healthy up marriage and family view by proposing the related countermeasures to improve the marriage and family view of migrant workers , try to change the attitude of their life through the improvement of values , improve their living conditions , and finally narrow the gap between the urban and rural areas and promote the harmonious development of the urban and rural areas .
The full text is divided into four chapters .
The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the research , the current situation of research in home and abroad , and also introduces the concept of migrant workers in China and abroad . In this paper , the author has carried out a great deal of research on female migrant workers in Xi ' an in the context of reform and opening up and social mobility . The article analyzes the present situation of female marriage and family in Xi ' an from the perspective of gender perspective and family study , and finds out and analyzes the problems in the study deeply , and puts forward some relevant and constructive countermeasures for the problems and reasons .
The second chapter is the survey result of the status quo of female marriage and family in Xi ' an city . The results of the STATA investigation show that the standard of female choosing for migrant workers is more inclined to the character of personality , and the decision of marriage is mainly grasped by oneself ;
The ideal marriage age is obviously delayed , most people are psychologically able to accept pre - marital cohabiting , more conservative than before marriage , the female family status is improved , but the male status is still better than the female , the marriage affair is more conservative , but the small part begins the concrete analysis , and supports the old people remarriage ;
The child has a strong desire for fertility and has a weak preference for boys .
Chapter 3 introduces the problems and causes of foreign migrant women ' s marriage and family . According to our investigation and analysis , migrant workers have limited self - condition and lack of self - confidence .
Marriage is relatively autonomous , but still influenced by parents ;
The sexual concept is more open , and the phenomenon of premarital cohabiting is widespread ;
With the intention of the two children , there is a preference for weak boys . The multi - cultural values coexist in the period of social transformation .
The dual system of urban and rural areas limits the development of migrant workers , and they lack social security ;
Migrant workers have relatively little communication space in the city , and their marriage life is uncertain , their marriage life is uncertain , and the pension of their parents is also their concern ;
And so on , these factors have become the cause of the problem of female marriage and family view of migrant workers .
Chapter 4 introduces the relevant countermeasures and suggestions put forward according to the investigation and analysis . This part puts forward some relevant countermeasures from three aspects , including the government , perfecting the social security system , deepening the dual system reform of the urban and rural areas , reducing the population mobility barrier , strengthening the government training , and strengthening the government management ;
In the community area , strengthen the community construction , set up the peasant workers community , establish the rural migrant family planning management service station , set up the communication platform between the migrant workers and the urban residents ;
Finally , we continue to strengthen the propaganda function of the news media , take the essence of the traditional thought , go to the dross , and promote the healthy up marriage and family view .
Finally , the conclusion is that this part objectively evaluates the study , and this study enriches the research of the theoretical circle on the female population of migrant workers , but also has some shortcomings . This paper lacks the relevant comparative study , which is also the next effort direction in this paper .
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