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发布时间:2018-07-21 11:55
【摘要】:农民工已经成为中国产业工人的重要组成部分,是中国经济发展和城市发展不可或缺的力量。农民工问题是目前社会最为关注的“三农”问题中的主要问题之一,农民工生活质量水平的高低将直接影响到中国迈进全民小康社会和实现现代化、工业化的进程。而目前国内外还没有针对农民工个体为对象的评价体系,在这种背景下,本文以城市农民工为研究对象,以生活质量为中心,以指标评价体系为重点及研究主线,从个体研究的角度,进行了城市农民工生活质量评价研究。本文的具体内容包括以下四个方面: 首先,在对已有研究成果进行总结和评述的基础上,科学、全面地诠释了城市农民工生活质量的概念,分析总结了农民工生活质量研究现状。然后,在指标选取时从个体的角度进行研究,提出了从描述性的单一指标扩展到解释性的综合指标的思想,从物质生活、劳动情况、健康与就医、精神生活、权益保护、社会保障六个方面具体选取17项指标建立了城市农民工的生活质量评价指标体系。再次,进行实证分析,以全国城市农民工的调研的取得的数据资料为基础,一方面采用客观赋权法中的熵值法,构建城市农民工生活质量综合指数评价模型,并采用聚类分析的方法进行样本聚类分析;另一方面,采用描述性统计分析的方法客观地反映出城市农民工生活质量的各方面的实际状况,探索影响城市农民工生活质量的关键因素。最后,得出相关研究结论,为国家及政府制定解决“三农”问题的方针政策提供参考。
[Abstract]:Migrant workers have become an important part of China's industrial workers and an indispensable force for China's economic and urban development. The problem of migrant workers is one of the main problems in the "three rural areas" that the society pays most attention to at present. The level of quality of life of migrant workers will directly affect the process of China stepping into a well-off society for all people and realizing modernization and industrialization. At present, there is no evaluation system for the individual migrant workers at home and abroad. Under this background, this paper takes the urban migrant workers as the research object, the quality of life as the center, the index evaluation system as the focus and the main line of the research. From the perspective of individual research, the evaluation of the quality of life of urban migrant workers was carried out. The specific contents of this paper include the following four aspects: firstly, on the basis of summarizing and commenting on the existing research results, this paper scientifically and comprehensively interprets the concept of the quality of life of urban migrant workers. This paper analyzes and summarizes the research status of the quality of life of migrant workers. Then, in the selection of indicators from the individual point of view, proposed from the descriptive single index to an explanatory comprehensive index of the idea, from material life, labor, health and medical care, spiritual life, protection of rights and interests, In six aspects of social security, 17 indexes were selected to establish the quality of life evaluation index system of urban migrant workers. Thirdly, the empirical analysis, based on the data obtained from the survey of urban migrant workers in China, on the one hand, using the entropy method in the objective weighting method, to build a comprehensive index evaluation model of the quality of life of urban migrant workers. On the other hand, the descriptive statistical analysis method is used to objectively reflect the actual situation of all aspects of the quality of life of urban migrant workers. To explore the key factors affecting the quality of life of urban migrant workers. Finally, the relevant conclusions are drawn to provide reference for the government to formulate policies to solve the problem of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.


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