[Abstract]:The informal economic space of the community composed of mobile vendors and illegal construction shops in community J of N city is taken as the research object. This paper analyzes the production logic of community informal economic space from the perspective of "space-society" construction, and interprets the pattern of mutual construction from the perspectives of state, market and social action. Under the background of the overall social structure change, the spatial governance system of urban community led by local government includes a series of discourse, policy and control alliance to regulate the informal operation of the community. Market capital flow promotes urban development, strengthens the government ability, urbanization, old city renewal and so on space reconstruction movement sign "system-capital" alliance formation, is the discipline community space structural system strength, the market capital flow promotes the city development, strengthens the government ability, the urbanization, the old city renewal and so on space reconstruction movement sign "system-capital" alliance formation; But the economic-oriented government and enterprise alliance accelerates the conflict between the space exchange value and the informal space use value, which leads to the space contention and conflict, but restricts the system and the capital to be spatialized.
【作者单位】: 河海大学公共管理学院;南京市社会科学院;
【基金】:国家留学基金 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2014B22014)
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