[Abstract]:The spatial dimension is not the empty field of the discourse system of historical materialism, and has been further deepened in the social theory of the 20 ~ (th) century. As a concrete space entity in the process of social and historical development, housing contains human existence practice and life experience. The housing problem has become one of the most basic social problems since industrialization, which explains the capital logic of the space production. Through the appearance of housing shortage and other problems, we can see the three-dimensional network structure of social relations, and try to break the practical predicament of social reform with the construction of the right discourse on the realistic level, thus peering at the revolutionary significance of historical materialism to the contemporary era.
【作者单位】: 南京大学哲学系;
【基金】:江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金一般项目(2014SJB609) 南通市社会科学基金项目一般项目(2016BNT012)
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