[Abstract]:Social order has become one of the core issues concerned by social scholars. Although the interpretation of society is different, However, they are aware that modern society is a highly individualized society, and the question of "how is social order possible" has gradually changed into "how to realize social unity in a highly individualized era", that is, under the current social conditions such as He constructs a modern individual. Durkheim's organic imagination of social unity is to what extent the modern society provides the possibility for the emergence of moral individualism and whether moral self-construction can be carried out in modern society. Baumann, from the philosophy of "other", analyzes the possibility of realizing moral self in modern society from the perspective of post-modern, so as to eliminate the individual's fear of uncertain life. Seek spiritual conversion, and finally realize individual autonomy and social unity. Therefore, Durkheim and Bowman's path of moral self-generation contains the possibility of constructing moral individuals in modern society and how to realize social unity on the basis of moral self.
【作者单位】: 华东理工大学社会与公共管理学院;
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