发布时间:2018-09-09 20:21
[Abstract]:In the early Qing Dynasty, Huang Zongxi had a famous saying: "the better the one who analyses, the more skillful the one who escapes." To apply it to scholarship is to awaken people no matter what research they do. During my long-term study, I felt too narrow to achieve much. Especially in the field of social sciences, the category to the complex, the so-called "lead"
[Abstract]:In the early Qing Dynasty, Huang Zongxi had a famous saying: "the better the one who analyses, the more skillful the one who escapes." To apply it to scholarship is to awaken people no matter what research they do. During my long-term study, I felt too narrow to achieve much. Especially in the field of social sciences, the category to the complex, the so-called "lead"
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