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发布时间:2018-09-13 09:19
[Abstract]:Diversity is one of the basic characteristics of the development of human society. Harmonious coexistence and development of diversified personalities means that individual survival and living conditions and social environment need to be well docked. One of the important obstacles to the harmonious coexistence of diversity is social exclusion. Social integration is a sociological concept corresponding to social exclusion. Originally, it refers to the government taking a series of measures to prevent social exclusion in education, health, social security, employment, information and communication, security and other aspects; from the perspective of integration subjects, it reflects that groups excluded from the mainstream of society (such as immigrants, unemployed, the elderly, the disabled, etc.) integrate into society through economic, behavioral, psychological and other levels. With the development of productive forces, people pay more and more attention to the quality of individual life. By participating in leisure activities, leisure subjects can adjust their body and mind, interact with others, promote socialization, realize individual development, promote interpersonal relations and integrate into society. The relationship between rights, the profound significance and social value of leisure for individual and group life have gradually become prominent, and leisure scholars have also expanded their horizons to such topics as how leisure participation of specific groups can promote individual social integration. Over the centuries of development, the concept of "isolation" to "integration" has undergone a transformation and service practice. The concept of "inclusive leisure" has been put forward and the service system has been gradually improved, which reflects that western society provides rest for special groups. As far as the status quo is concerned, the disabled, a special group, are vulnerable to discrimination and Prejudice and are unable to enjoy the basic social services enjoyed by ordinary people. The social integration of the disabled is still at a low level both worldwide and in China. The government and society are committed to achieving social equity, equality and comprehensive development of the inevitable path. However, from the perspective of the status quo of the disabled leisure, the government's concern for the disabled mostly focuses on basic living security, rehabilitation, employment, education and other aspects, while the disabled participate in society normally. In theory, the participation of leisure activities in the existing research is only one of the sub-indicators in the huge index system to measure social integration, most of which are integrated into the policy, system and environment. Construction, while less research focuses on improving individual social life participation and integration through leisure participation; and leisure participation theory and empirical research more directed to leisure benefits, leisure satisfaction, quality of life, subjective well-being and other outcome variables, but leisure participation can bring physical and mental benefits, social benefits, quality of life and so on. In addition to the value of happiness promotion, there are differences in the value of individual social integration, whether the different dimensions of leisure participation have influence on social integration, and whether the different types of leisure participation have different influence on social integration. Although the Western leisure academia has conducted an inclusive leisure research from the perspective of integration, the comprehensive society Based on the above-mentioned realistic and theoretical background, this study proceeds from the theory and current situation of leisure participation from the perspective of social integration, based on the specific research object of disabled people, through questionnaire survey and quantitative research. This paper explores the leisure participation of the disabled with the background of urban life in China, reveals the overall impact of leisure participation on social integration and the differences between different types of activities and different dimensions of leisure participation on social integration, verifies the theoretical model of the relationship between leisure participation and social integration, and further analyzes the relationship between leisure participation and social integration. On the basis of the value of social integration of leisure participation and its influence characteristics, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to construct an inclusive leisure service system in China. Specifically, this study consists of five parts. The second part mainly reviews and comments the related theories of social integration, leisure participation, leisure benefits and leisure involvement, and then finds out the breakthrough point and theoretical perspective of this study. The third part establishes the theoretical framework and research hypothesis of this study. The types of activities and the results of the questionnaire reflect the basic situation of the disabled participating in different types of leisure activities, and then define the connotation of leisure participation, social integration and psychological distance, and deduce the logical relationship between variables. Based on the theoretical analysis, this paper puts forward the leisure participation and social integration. The fourth part is the research design and hypothesis test based on the conceptual model. Firstly, the paper elaborates the design and pre-test of the Leisure Participation Scale and Social Integration Scale, the reliability and validity test and the data analysis method, and through the survey of the Questionnaire on Leisure Participation and Social Integration of the Disabled. Based on the survey data, the structural equation model is used to test the theoretical model. The results show that, firstly, the degree of leisure participation of the disabled can be mediated by psychological distance. Secondly, different dimensions of leisure participation have different effects on social integration of the disabled, and the influence of behavior participation is lower than that of emotional involvement. Thirdly, the social integration of the disabled in different types of activities is higher. In the aspect of behavior participation, the influence of home recreational activities on social integration is the highest, the influence of cultural and social activities is the second, the influence of outdoor sports and recreational activities is the lowest; the influence of emotional involvement is just the opposite. The results of data analysis summarize and explain the conclusions of the study. Based on this, the author puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on the establishment of inclusive leisure service system. This paper explores the relationship between leisure participation and social integration of the disabled, and compares the impact of different dimensions of leisure participation on social integration. The research results can make up for the deficiencies of relevant research on leisure and social integration of the disabled, and provide a relatively new analytical thinking for the follow-up study. This paper studies the connotation and measurement dimension of social integration of the disabled from the sociological perspective, and constructs the relationship model between them. Through theoretical and empirical analysis, it reveals the social integration value of individual leisure behavior and the importance of leisure participation as a path to social integration. Second, this study does not have any significance. In the past, leisure participation was only measured by the frequency and time of participation in different types of activities, but combined with the characteristics of the disabled, the theory of leisure participation and the theory of leisure involvement were tried to be combined, and the degree of leisure participation was examined from the aspects of behavior participation and emotional involvement. Often in leisure activities, the disabled can not really participate in action due to various constraints, but it does not prevent them from attitudinally and emotionally paying attention to it. Therefore, this study summarizes the dimensions of attractiveness, centrality and self-expression as emotional involvement, reveals the differences between behavioral involvement and emotional involvement in social integration, which is conducive to social integration. Thirdly, based on the study of social integration of other groups at home and abroad, this study puts forward two dimensions of social integration, namely economic integration and behavioral adaptation, and discusses the promotion of leisure participation through shortening psychological distance. The social integration of the disabled further reveals the impact mechanism of leisure participation on social integration. Empirical studies of social integration at home and abroad focus on immigrants, migrants, new urban migrants and so on. The corresponding integration studies basically identify with the linear progressive relationship of economic, behavioral, cultural and psychological dimensions, and take psychological integration as integration. The ultimate goal of this study is to reveal that the integration subject may promote its integration in behavior and economy through the improvement of psychological distance, enrich the theory of social integration, and provide theoretical guidance for the social integration practice of the disabled. Fourthly, this study attempts to explore the nature and space of activities. According to the characteristics and inherent limitations of the disabled, this study classifies the types of leisure activities into home recreation, cultural and social activities and outdoor sports by subjective classification. With the recreational category, it reflects the static family-style recreation in nature, the social activities combined with the static and the dynamic sports and recreational activities, and the space reflects the different nature and activities of the disabled in the relationship model of leisure participation and social integration by family space, urban community space and outdoor open space. The impact of leisure participation in space on social integration provides a reference for the construction of inclusive leisure service environment and project design. Limited to the level of resources and capabilities, there are still many limitations in this study. First, the content of the study is as follows: 1. Subjective analysis is used to classify the types of activities in the measurement of leisure participation, which may overlook the codes of some disabled groups. The second is that the analysis and measurement of the subjective dimension is not deep enough in the measurement of social integration; the third is that the relationship among the various dimensions of the main variable can not be more fully reflected. In the later research, we can try to get more quality information by depth interview. Finally, we can't use the conventional channel to select the sample for empirical research. In addition, almost all subjects need volunteers to complete the questionnaires, which may lead to misunderstanding and affect the quality of the final results.


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