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发布时间:2018-10-07 21:17
[Abstract]:Since the Industrial Revolution, the progress of science and technology has been equated with the progress of human society. While science and technology bring huge material wealth to human society, the potential risks and crises of the development of science and technology are increasingly exposed in the global scope, which seriously threaten the survival and development of human beings. People have come to realize that the development of modern science and technology poses a severe challenge to the stability and security of human society. Ulrich Baker, a German sociologist, put forward the theory of risk society by analyzing the risk of science and technology, and believed that the negative role of the development of science and technology led to the emergence of the risk society. However, he did not make a deep and comprehensive study of the relationship between science and technology and risk society, and neglected the internal relationship between science and technology and risk society. Based on the theory of risk society, this paper discusses in detail the relationship between science and technology and risk society. This paper tries to clarify the endogenous relationship between science and technology and risk society, and then puts forward the risk control under the endogenous perspective, in order to broaden the research perspective of risk society theory and offer suggestions for the effective control of risk. How to discuss the endogenous relationship between science and technology and risk society is the difficulty of this paper, and the analysis of the endogenous relationship between the two becomes the focus of this paper. The endogenous relationship between science and technology and risk society is a kind of interrelation and interplay. Before analyzing the relationship between them, we must deepen the understanding of the theory of risk society. The new risk in the risk society and the risk in the traditional society are compared and analyzed in order to introduce the global, endogenous and unpredictable characteristics of the theoretical core of the risk society. Through tracing the evolution process of risk society, it is pointed out that science and technology is the root cause of risk society. Then it discusses in detail how the science and technology itself and the science and technology as a social system lead to the emergence of the risk society, and how the risk in the risk society promotes the development of science and technology. This paper expounds the basic logic of the endogenous relationship between science and technology and risk society, and intuitively explains the endogenous relationship between science and technology and risk society by describing the manifestation of the endogenous relationship between them. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the relationship between science and technology and the endogenous nature of the risk society, the paper puts forward the risk control under the endogenous perspective, and suggests the return of the humanistic value rationality of the scientist and the establishment of the system of avoiding the scientific and technological risks. Establish a mechanism for public participation in science and technology decision-making and strengthen legal control over science and technology.


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